Chapter 15: Coming out

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Ian's POV

I walk into the apartment behind him. "Yeah, he's actually here. He's in the living room," his brother says. I have to admit his brother is good looking and kinda hot. Anthony's hotter, but Jesus their parents have beautiful genetics. I don't think I can withstand the model like figures in this apartment. Anthony's brother leads us into a pretty small room that has a vintage cozy feel. I see Anthony's
father sitting down on a couch next to a big busted woman with thick blonde hair. His dad has black, obsidian hair just like his son. He looks like he's important business man or some celebrity. What makes him less intimidating is he seems relaxed. He untied his tie and doesn't have shoes on. "Hi daddy!" Anthony says, extremely excited and happy to see his dad. It's cute because his personality is no longer rough and hard, it became more innocent and young.

"Hey," he huffs and gets up to give him a tight hug. The woman stands up and tries to give him a hug, but Anthony just ignores her. I guess he doesn't like her. "You have someone to say hi to Anthony," Mr. Padilla commands, pushing his son towards his girlfriend. He shakes her hand, rolling his eyes after. "Who's this?" He asks when they release. "Oh... This is Ian..." I can tell Anthony is nervous because he's constantly fixing his hair. His dad reaches out for a handshake and I meet it. "Hi, I'm Ian. Nice to meet you, heard so many great stories about you!" I say, my hands very clammy and sweaty compared to his. "You seem nervous, Ian," he pulls away from my hand. "You too Anthony. Do you guys have something to tell me?" He says, looking at us suspiciously. "Uh-uh. About that dad, um. I'm dating Ian... And we've been dating for a little more than a month now. Well basically, he's my boyfriend and I'm bisexual," he says, cringing at every word that he says. Wow he just went for it what the. Fuck he's brave. "I called it dad!" Anthony's brother yells, laughing. His dad just chuckles to himself. The plastic Barbie woman forces a smile. "What do you want me to say, Anthony. Congratulations?" Anthony just stands there with his mouth completely open and his cheeks a deep pink. He comes in for another hug, but this time Anthony rejects it. "I don't know what I wanted. I-I just wanted to tell you I guess, to give me a bigger reaction," he stutters. "Well, I don't need to know about your sexual life, all I need to know is if you have STDs," his dad chuckles. "You don't have any diseases right? Edward?" "Ian." I respond, my self getting a little annoyed by his unsympathetic personality. "What ever dad..." Anthony says, grabbing my arm tightly. I rub his hand comfortingly with my other.

Anthony seems annoyed now because of their reaction. "Ok then, Ian and I will be in my room." We make ourselves to the hallway, but Anthony's brother halts us, "Actually! Wait your room is now my art studio!" "Perfect," he shouts and yanks my hand into a plastic lined room, which is all white and has 3 big windows on the wall revealing a view of the city. Several art easels and paint rest against the walls, but the other side of the room has a small bed and a dresser. "What was that reaction, like do they think I'm still 10?" He shouts. "It's a good reaction! Don't take things for granted, it could've been worse." "Yeah, but I'm not a 4 year old still." I swear Anthony has the worst temper. I just shush him and calm him down.

"Do you think I could paint on one of these," I ask, slowly inching myself towards the beautiful studio. "Whatever the fuck you want! I could care less!" He hisses as he plops himself on the bed and goes on his phone. Wow... Moody much. I don't care, as long as I get to paint. I bet his brother won't mind, right? "You don't need to act like a bitch," I say, putting on an apron to protect my clothes. Oooo oil paints. He mocks me under his breath, but I ignore it. I just roll my eyes, knowing that if I leave him alone he'll get over himself. I start to paint a whimsical quick version of the skyline view of Anthony's brother's apartment. I get so into it where I'm making faces at the canvas and talking to it. I usually do this because I'm an insane artist, but it makes Anthony laugh, so I keep embarrassing myself.

Twenty minutes later and we both are in a full out laugh. Laughing until you almost pee or burst some type of vessel or organ. Anthony is on the hardwood floor laughing and holding his stomach as tears run down my face and I have to hold onto a wall to keep myself from falling. "What the fuck! You guys are going to be me kicked out of this complex because you guys are so god damn loud!" Anthony's brother barges in. "S-sorry," I manage to spit out. "Wait, wait. What is this?" He says running towards my painting. My stomach drops and I immediately stop laughing. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Anthony said it would be fine! I should've asked for your-" "No! It's beautiful, fucking genius," he says astonished. "Can I sell this? Like wow..." "Uh, yeah sure go ahead," I say, signing the bottom of it really quick. "Damn, you want to work for me?" He asks, taking my hand. "WOAW WOAW! He's my boyfriend Jessie, back the fuck up!" Anthony yells from the corner, still giggling. "I just want to hire him, sit down. I'm straight, don't worry. So what do you say, Ian?" "Of course!" I say, a little too desperate because I need the money. "Cool! Send me an art piece every week! I'll give you more details later, but Dad wants to go out for dinner," he says, and exits the studio. "Fuck," I mumble under my breath. Who would've known? "Why didn't you tell me your brother did this type of stuff?!" "I don't know, didn't cross my mind to tell you." I roll my eyes and throw a paint brush at him. He whines and sticks his tongue out at me. We both giggle at our stupidity.

Authors Note

Well wasn't that another shitty chapter, fuck. I think I'm writing smut next chapter... Yup, I don't care what you people say. Sorry about it. I know how I'm going to end this story tho >:D

Okay thanks for reading actually... Like you're cool and really beautiful. Te quiero muchísimo! :]

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