Hogwarts Express

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A/N This chapter doesn't contain smuts, but the next one does. This is what you are wearing in the next two chapters
A/n Hi guys that's future me, my writing in the first few chapters was awful but it gets better by the chapter, don't give up on me:)

  This is what you are wearing in the next two chapters A/n Hi guys that's future me, my writing in the first few chapters was awful but it gets better by the chapter, don't give up on me:)

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I get on the Hogwarts express feeling my stomach twisting and tingling into small knots.

The sight of 1 years didn't make it easier for me, seeing them greeting their families with tears in their eyes scared of goodbyes, scared they won't fit in just right, with their parents faces encouraging them to do their best, giving them hugs, and kisses like it was the first and last goodbye.

At least they have the chance to say goodbye, even tho they are going to see them again indeed.

The kids start getting on the train talking to other kids the same age, the word excited was written all over their faces, excited that maybe it's not that bad after all, maybe they can get through it.

A weak smile was drawn on my face by the sight, it reminded me of an easier time when my mum used to take me between her arms when I cry, making me feel better by just one sweet word of hers, she taught me to always fight for what I believe, she taught me that playing with fire won't hurt you unless you are stupid, being powerful is the key to happiness, and men are just assholes who don't deserve anything from you, they are so naive you can take anything from them by just being persuasive, show some skin but not too much, make them crave you, but don't give them a taste, your body is your weapon, and I never doubted her words for a second.

A/n I have no clue why I wrote this shit. Anyways...

Even though I was relieved I got into my dream school, Hogwarts, it was making me nervous, Drumstrange wasn't that friendly in the past 2 years, but I got through it just fine.
Well, not really but I am optimistic.

My thoughts were interrupted by the screams of the first years running around the hallways taking all the empty compartments to themselves.

Those little bitches make me so angry!

I have always hated kids, maybe because I never had a proper childhood but you know they are also so annoying.

I finally find a compartment with a boy sitting in it just my age his green Slytherin uniform complimented his skin shade just fine.

"Hey I am sorry would you mind if I sit with you in the compartment? They are all taken by the first years"

bloody first years.

"Not at all" he said with a very warm welcoming smile gesturing his hand to sit in front of him. I launched my luggage into the overheads, sitting in front of him.

"Blaise Zabini, and you are?" He said stretching his hands in front of him.
"Jules Sanderson, nice to meet you Zabini" I say shaking his hands.
I saw his face turning into a pity one, of course, he recognizes my parents' death, the girl whose parents were killed by death eater and the dark lord in front of her eyes.
Yes, it was hard but you know what's harder? The pity in their eyes when they recognize your name just because of your parents' bloody murder.
I don't need their pity, it has been a while now and I am over their death already, it doesn't affect me. Especially the death of my abuser aka my dear father, why do they think I bloody care

" Please, call me Blaise" I fake smile a little.
I didn't feel like smiling today.
I pull my hand out of his when I hear the compartment's door open loudly.
Revealing a tall platinum-blonde boy.

His tie was loose hanging around his neck, the first three buttons of his shirt were undone, his sleeves were rolled up you could see his veiny forearms, and boy his rings were really matching his looks, hot

I have always been a fan of rings, and boys who wear them.

He lays with his side on the door of the compartment looking at me examining my face, my body, and literally anything I was wearing.

"Like the view don't you?" He says with a smirk when I realized I have been staring at him for a while,

"well it's not like I was the only one staring now, am I?" I say with a proud smirk but looking as innocent as I could.

"And I mean I have the right to stare at assholes that barge in without saying anything!"

I didn't feel like being nice today, sorry not sorry!

His smirk wipes off his face replacing it with an angry look like he was about to kill me " what did you just call me?"

I stand up getting closer to him, close enough I could hear his breathing.

" I. Called. You. An. Asshole"

He was kind of shocked for a second like he was never insulted before in his life.

I mean I don't know him but he was a git, a prude proud git, and I like to put proud guys in their place, just like mommy taught me:)

He ignores me and looks at Blaise

"well you should choose your disparate sluts better Blaise"
He says smirking in the most annoying way ever.

And that's when I remembered I am about to beat this bitch up!

"What did you just call me you git?"

He gets closer to me, mirroring my previous moves.

"I. Called. You. A . Slut" he says in my ears, whispering, his lips slightly touching my skin, that's when he backed away from me. I raise my hands trying to slap him when he holds my wrist right before I slap him, he twists my wrist and pushes me to the compartment's window, his body was laying on mine pushing me more and more into the window then he pulls my hair making my head rest on his chest. "How dare you try and slap me?" He spits I could feel his breath on my skin, I was hurting from his grip on my wrists and from his weight on me, but I don't give him the satisfaction. "How dare you call me a slut?" I spit with a tone like his, his body gets pulled away from mine, Blaise was pulling him away from me.
" Malfoy that's it shut it"
I get out of the position he put me in and face him again, giving him a smile to provoke him even more I push him with my forearm on his throat till he fell on the compartment's couch, I put my knee in between his legs giving me more control over his body, pushing him more and more back "well, Malfoy you would be an idiot if u think for a second I am scared of you" I spat getting closer to his neck purposely slightly putting my lips on his skin " you are going to regret it Malfoy" I grin on the fact that he is getting nervous because of me
I told you before, I like to have control over proud men.
"That's new, I am used to Malfoy intimidating the girls' not the other way around," she says laughing

"Pansy Parkinson" she raises her hand waiting for me to shake them
I get off Malfoy and go over to Pansy "Jules Sanderson, nice to meet you!" I shake her soft hand

"you are new here, aren't you?" She asks with a cute smile
" Unfortunately, she is" Malfoy says with an annoyed face

"aww you are not sad that I put you in your place are you now love?" I said teasing him.

The train started moving, we all sat in the same compartment.

Yes, even Malfoy.

he was actually sitting right next to me actually.

It didn't take long for Pansy and Blaise to fall asleep, leaving Malfoy and me alone.

A/N: hi guys, VOTE!

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