Drugs and Sorries

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the girls and I decided to head back to our dorms to get ready for the party.

I notice two red-headed twins at the end of the corridor, The devilishly handsome Weasley twins.

" hey, guys would you mind if I go talk to the twins? you can wait for me I the dorm"

They all nodded in agreement and head to the dormitories

I make my way to the Weasleys.

"if it wasn't our favourite customer?" they both say completing each other's sentences.

" hello handsomes, have you got my usual?"

" two packs of coke is that right?" Fred says taking out two packs from his robe.

" you always know how to make my day guys" I take the coke out of their hand and give them the money.

" Hey, Jules? don't you think two packs every day is too much or something?" Fred asked looking concerned like he always is.

They have been my dealers for 4 months now so they know I use A LOT.

"NO it's fine Fred I am okay, you don't have to worry about me" I smile at them, I knew that I had a problem, I was addicted and I wasn't okay.

In the past months, I overdosed 2 times, luckily Sirius is my legal guardian and he thinks that I am clean.

"See you later guys, keep up with the good stuff"

I suddenly feel a cold grip holding my wrist hard, I immediately knew it was Malfoy, the rings on his hands made sure of that.

"What did you take from the twins?"
"None of your business"
"Jules what did you take?"
"Some coke for the party"
"You won't use those, hand them to me"
"Go get your own coke Draco don't take mine," I say walking away, but he followed.

"what did Cedric want from you?" he says slamming me into a hard cold stone wall

"nothing that concerns you Draco"

"I don't want you to go to the party"

I wasn't in the mood of arguing; I tried to escape his grip but he choked me hard I was struggling to breathe; I knew it was going to leave bruises on my throat.

" don't you ever walk on me Jules," he says now getting angrier.

"Draco let me go you are hurting me"

"I don't care" I start choking when he realized what he has done to me, he let go of his grip, letting me fall on my knees sobbing from how he has hurt me.

"Merlin I am sorry Jules I didn't mea-" he got on his knees next to me attempting to detect if I am still hurting or not; obviously I was.

"Draco, get away from me," I say sobbing even more.

"no come here" he carried me bridal style till we entered his dorm; he put me on the edge of his bed and started doing some spells to stop the pain and cover the bruises.

"I am so sorry Jules, I really am, it was like I blacked out" he was honest I could see it in his eyes.

"it's okay you didn't mean to, but next time I'll beat your ass honestly" I say sarcastically trying to break the tension.

"What happened to 'violence is not the answer' Jules," he says mocking my words

" well I really love slapping assholes so I'll make an exception for you love" we were looking at each other deep in the eye trying to read each other's thoughts; I cleared my throat in an attempt to break the silence.

"I should go the girls are waiting for me," I say getting up; I felt his cold grip on my wrist stopping me, but this time, it was gentle so gentle; "stay" he stood up pulling me closer to him; he squeezed my ass hard letting a soft moan escape my mouth, he carried me off of the ground; I wrapped my legs around his torso, our lips crashed hungrily, it was a soft yet rough kiss, my mind grew empty with every touch of his, he was intoxicating.

he broke the kiss moving his lips down my jawline and neck, leaving wet spots from his sloppy kisses, he bit on my skin harshly moving his tongue in a circular motion making me moan louder

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he broke the kiss moving his lips down my jawline and neck, leaving wet spots from his sloppy kisses, he bit on my skin harshly moving his tongue in a circular motion making me moan louder.

" Ahh Draco, don't stop," I said playing with his hair.

I could feel the smirk growing on his face, he was proud he made me feel that type of pleasure.

he moves to the bed, I was now sitting on his lap, his hands were on my hips making me grind on him slowly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, our lips collided in rhythm once more, it moved in sync; I bit his bottom lip making him moan.

I moved my hands to his hair playing with it he slides his tongue on my lips asking for permission to explore my mouth, even more, I let him; we were both fighting for dominance now, he won at the end, but I loved how he was in control.

I pushed my body on him, he fell on the bed, I was on top of him, he moved his hands to my ass squeezing it harshly this time, allowing me to moan in his mouth.

I pushed my body on him, he fell on the bed, I was on top of him, he moved his hands to my ass squeezing it harshly this time, allowing me to moan in his mouth

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we suddenly hear a knock on the door.

"Malfoy you have to get your ass down here," Blaise says from behind the door.

I quickly get up and fix my hair and uniform.

I open the door to see Blaise.

"what are you doing here?" he asks suspiciously.

"oh, nothing Malfoy was tutoring me, making my life pure hell as always," I say walking out.

"I'll see both of you at the party then," I say walking at a fast pace trying to not have any long conversation with them.

A/n don't forget to vote guys. Love you<3

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