Dirty Sweet Lips

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TW: knife kink, blood kink, light BDSM, and umm... anal-


Jules pov

We sat down in the dining hall, everyone was enjoying themselves while I was in a middle of an absolute mess, not just me, Draco, Tom, and I.
Lord Voldemort aka Tom's is visiting tomorrow, and well without further explanation, He killed my parents, but he thinks Tom obliviated me.

he told him to obliviate me as a task, plant in my head that I killed them, but Tom being the sweetheart and good best friend he is, he didn't, he made me forget the pain, and forget everything about him, well at least until he showed up out of nowhere in the hospital a couple of months ago.

and you all would ask me why I started dating him.

well I never did, and we never faked dating, I simply wasn't dating the 'tom' that's next to me.

it was Draco all along, he and Tom used polyjuice. and here again, with your questions, how did Tom and Draco know each other? and how did they get inside of the hospital?
Draco is a death eater, and an ex-drug addict, they first met in rehab, became friends, and they contacted each other when I got into rehab again.
we are supposed to take down the most powerful king in the whole wizarding and muggle world, all by ourselves, and then our lives would go back to normal.

as for Draco and I, we are not together, not officially at least, and I don't want to b with him for now, we are good as friends, friends who use each other, but still happy, but all of this doesn't matter right now.

Voldemort wants to kill me, and my only way out is killing him first.

Impossible I know, but it's worth the try.

6 teenagers, 3 adults, and an elder after a wizard, I guess we are doing great.

Dream team, Hermione, Harry, and Ron. aka the Golden Trio
 Draco, Tom, and I aka  The Green Trio
Sirius, Snape, and Cissa aka Ex death eaters
And finally, Dumbledore aka my favorite 129 years old grandpa

you destroyed all the Horcruxes, even Nagini, Harry dies last semester and revived with the stupid stone, I kind of wish he never came back, only two Horcruxes left, one on my pretty finger, the other one around Draco's neck, might also recognize them as the snake ring and the dragon flame-blood necklace, the one I gave fake 'Tom'.

'Jules, are you okay?' Tom's cold hand on my thigh interrupted my thoughts in what's been going on since I left Hogwarts. 'yes, I am fine thanks baby' I gave him a kiss on his cheek. eww, baby.

'Jules, you are acting weird today, what's up?' Blaise asked looking me suspiciously, 'nothing, just the whole Tom's dad visiting situation, I am nervous' I lied, of course, everyone believed me, except the one's that know how bad I want to kill him, Tom stroked my thighs gently as we continued eating our delicious dinner, 'meet me after dinner in the library, I might have an idea or two to have not make you feel nervous anymore' Draco whispered on my neck, his hot breath touching my cold skin, goosebumps all over my neck, butterflies in my stomach, I half nodded as I felt my breathing get heavier.

soon dinner was over and I was on my way to the library, I never in my life was that excited, running through the castle to my destination not wanting to waste any minute, I opened the door and got in looking around, not seeing the blonde tall handsome guy I came here for, I went inside and started looking for a book, my hand pulled one of the classics, Jane Eyre, I opened the book and shuffled through the pages when I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist pulling me closer, his breathing on my neck as he led a soft peck on a soft spot making me whimper.

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