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A/N y'all trust the process :)

We make eye contact but never talk, we are afraid, we want each other but we deny it until the feeling turns into need, I need him because he made me better, but I can't have him.


I can't believe this, I finally had the opportunity to attend my dream school, and I ruined it.

like I always do, it's nothing I am not used to.

I pack my things in my suits case, everyone around me, they are confused.

I used an unforgivable curse after all and on one of our friends.

I haven't seen Draco since the incident, we were supposed to see each other in Dumbledore.

it was Sunday, my last day in this school, I closed the zipper of my suitcase when Blaise came from my side, he puts his hands on my shoulder, moving my body that's now facing him, he pulls me in a warm deep hug.

I am going to miss him.

how am I supposed to deal with anything without my best friend?

" you are going to be okay you know that right?" he whispers in my ears, as I nodd, I already knew what he was going to say.

"If anything happens text or facetime us, okay?"

"yes sir," I say sniffing, I was planning not to cry, at least in front of them.

I hurt Draco Physically but he hurt me mentally, manipulated me, used me, and humiliated me in front of the entire school, he deserves it.

I do feel bad for using this curse on him, but he needs to learn a lesson, and unfortunately, I am the one who's going to do that, because I couldn't care less if his father hears about it.

where are you headed to Jules?

I know that you are curious.

the answer is to Rehab with Kalyiah, she is sober but she is coming with me to keep my company and help me since she was a drug addict before, and because she has no interest to continue her education in school, and if she helps me she won't have to attend the rest of 6th year.

On my way to dumbledore's office, everyone looked at me, whispering their dirty comments, they made me feel anxious, I brushed it off, fastening my pace, hoping I would arrive sooner.

I finally arrive in front of Dumbledore's portrait, I waited outside for anyone to open the door so I could come in.

the portrait's door starts moving, revealing Snape, Sirius, Dumbledore, and Draco.

he looked so damaged, I knew he was damaged, but we were talking about inside damage, now it's from the outside as well.

"Jules dear, please take a seat," Dumbledore said kindly.

I obeyed him and sat on the only seat left, I was now facing Malfoy.

I observed his tired face, the smirk was replaced with a frown, his neatly brushed hair was a complete mess, his shirt was out of his pants, all crumbled and wrinkled.

my eyes met with Draco's as we drifted in eye contact, it was like we had a whole conversation, We make eye contact but never talk, but isn't that weird I understand the guilt in his eyes? I can feel him scream in his foggy crystal-like eyes, but what is it?

I drifted my gaze to Dumbledore who was already looking at the two of us, confused with a kind smile on his face, he knew everything that happens in this school, yet he never did anything, he is sometimes useless, I thought to myself.

"Mr. Malfoy here says he doesn't remember anything from last night," Dumbledore spoke, " he says he doesn't remember anything but you cruciating him".

"too bad for him," I say smirking, " If you want to Malfoy I can crucio your ass again, maybe that will help you refresh your memory," I say smiling.

I obviously didn't want to use that curse again, but I didn't want to show it.

if he thinks I am going to believe some sort of sob story, he thought wrong.

"Jules, we gave him veritasirium" Sirius spoke making my expression drop in a blink of an eye.

"I don't believe you" I yell looking at Draco, there is no way I imagined all of this.

"you know what? doesn't matter, I remember, I'll talk"

"We know indeed what happened miss Sanderson, Adrien used the Imperius curse on Mr. Malfoy"

"he was controlling him all this time" Snape continued.

"he is still on veritasirium if you want to talk to him you can have a moment." Dumbledore suggested, "bit only if you also take veritasirium too".

I nodded, I took a little bit of veritasirium, it like salty tears.

they all got out of the office leaving me and Draco alone.

"Why did you do the bet?"

"I wanted you, and I didn't want to admit it, so I used the bet as an excuse to talk to you and get to know you, that's how it started, but I didn't get in bed with you because of the bet Jule, I didn't use you"

"Okay, I want to believe you"

"Why did you avoid me after that Jules? it felt like you were using me"

"I avoided you because I was scared, whenever I start catching feelings for someone I end it or ghost the because I am afraid they are going to leave me or hurt me"

"Jules I'd never do that to you I swear" he held my hand moving his thumb on my delicate skin.

"didn't your father teach you occumelacy last year Malfoy?" I ask, "how did Adrien get into your head then?"

"He did, but I never mastered it, he used to get into my head and torture me, playing mind games with me, he would even beat me up if I didn't focus, back then I was always too high to give a fuck, on our first lesson he found out that Liyah and I were using, he sent her away calling her a disgrace for the family, she never texted me ever since"

"maybe she had a reason"

"she abandoned me, I needed her" I get on my knees in front of him, I lay a small peck, not on his soft warm, pink lips.

"I am sorry you had to go through that alone Draco"

he kisses me, passionately, this kiss was different from all the other kisses we shared, it was filled with emotions, not just lust.

pain, anger, sadness, and the feeling that you have to say goodbye was there.

"I love you" he confessed into the kiss.

"I love you"

we break the intimate kiss and lay our foreheads against each other, tears falling from our eyes, following with laughter, we finally confessed to each other.

it was a miserable scene, me on my knees, my arms around his neck, my hands on the back of his scalp, our foreheads connected to each other, just as our feelings.

this was the end.

this was our goodbye.

A/n Jules is going to rehab, Malfoy said he loved you, and what's next?



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