Prince charming

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A/n Hi, this chapter is not entirely my idea so I'll give credit to whom wrote those lines, etc.

WARNING: a tiny bit of spice.

The song's name is sexy back, by Justin Timberlake



I finally got in the shower, relaxing my tensed muscles under the warm water, but the water being just warm wasn't enough, I like the burning sensation on my skin, it was purifying.

I washed my body with my vanilla scented gel, mint-scented shampoo, singing along the lyrics of this muggle song, it was awfully kinky, I liked it.

I'm bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
I think you're special, what's behind your back?
So turn around and I'll pick up the slackTake 'em to the bridgeDirty babe
You see these shackles
Baby, I'm your slave.

I sang along the lyrics moving my hips, left and right on the beat, my back to the curtain, until a hand on my throat made me turn, my back on the cold icy tiles, his hand around my throat, his cold rings making me shiver.

And here he was, the one I was craving, Draco Malfoy.

he gets closer to my ears, and whispers with his husky deep voice.

"I'll let you whip me if I misbehave, It's just that no one makes me feel this way" he finishes the lyrics turning my body again, he grabs a handful of my hair pushing my face into the cold tiles deeper, his hand grabbing both of my wrists to my back.

"Drac-" I couldn't let any words out of my mouths, with him inside of me the only things that can get out of my mouth are moans and screams.

"JULES WAKE THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE" I heard Blaise screaming; throwing a pillow on my face.

this was all a dream, lord have mercy.

"Morning you too Blaise darling," I say sarcastically.

"What was the dream about Jules" Draco asked, I didn't notice they were all in my dorm waking me up, the fact that Draco is even asking about the dream means they heard me.

"Nothing that concerns you" I say not even looking at him, Draco and I had sex 5 days ago and I have been avoiding him, I don't go to the great hall or any classes with him.

"Oh, I really think it does," Theo said with a wide smirk on his face.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about"

"Are you sure? I guess that will help you refresh your memory" Blaise said.

Theo started moaning, trying to imitate how I sound, they all burst into laughter but the girls.

"Fuck you both really" I said practically screaming.

"I wouldn't mind that" Blaise says raising his hands in the air in surrender, giving me a seductive wink.

"Blaise what the fuck" Draco exclaimed with an annoyed tone.

I got out of bed ignoring the three of them, I go to my closet getting out my uniform.

"Really mature guys, really mature," Pansy says sarcastically "ignore them, darling, your moans were hot anyways" she winks at me giving me a high five.

"Get the fuck out of the dorm or turn around I want to change," I say annoyed " Daphe is taking a shower and won't be out anytime soon" I say aloud so Daphne would hear me.

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