Scared Jules?

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Draco's pov
Jesus, she is irresistible.
Damn, she was right.
I did love it.
I loved her being a slut.
But not just any slut.
I wanted her to be my slut!

I can't explain how angry I was with just the thought of her complimenting Theo, I was about to punch him in the face but they turn out to be best friends.

I enjoyed touching her just as much as I know she enjoyed my touch.

"The gravy is so delicious, isn't it Malfoy," she says looking at me with an amused look.

I storm out of the hall before I kill her. Merlin, how the fuck can I be so drawn to her yet want to kill her?
I go to the common room and sit there with my bottle of fire whiskey chugging on it. I needed a drink, I was so confused, I felt so vulnerable to her and I hated it.

Jules pov
Dinner was soon over and we decided to go to the common room for a bit.
They wanted to show me around since I am new and all.
We were walking to the common room when I see a tall man with long dark hair walking towards us.
"Will you guys excuse me for a second, I need to say hi to someone," I say sprinting toward Sirius giving him a long hug.
"Whoa whoa whoa, chill Jules, " He says hugging me back kissing my head.
" I've missed you so much, uncle"
"Me too kiddo"
"I have got a lot to tell you, a lot of things happened" I sigh.
He pulls me out of the hug.
"Well spill the tea sis, or whatever you kids say these days"
I laughed at his words, he never failed to make me feel better on my worst days.
"Soon girl but I have to go to my common room now, catch up with you later my man," I say walking away.
"SIRIUS BE SAFE" I mocked, walking toward the common room,

I was in front of the common room's door when I whisper pureblood.

The common room's door opens to reveal my friends sitting there drinking and smoking.

I go over and take the joint from Theo before he could even smoke and sit on the leather chair next to the couch.
" First of all you shouldn't be smoking and you know it" I pass it to Pansy without smoking.

"Oh don't be such a party pooper Jules" Draco said

I look at Draco who had a girl sitting on his lap, she was all over him, I recognized her, she was Daphne's sister Astoria Greengrass

Idk what was that feeling but I wanted to smash that fire whiskey bottle on her head.

"It's Sanderson for you. And don't tell me what to do Malfoy" I spit

He gets out of his chair, throwing the girl off his lap as her ass was planted on the floor.

He gets closer to me till he puts one hand on my shoulder pushing me back to my chair, his other hand was next to my head, and his knee was between my inner thigh, slightly touching my heat.

"I can call you whatever I want Jules, and don't you ever speak to me like that again" he whispers in my ears but loud enough that they could hear him clearly.

" Get. Off. Of. Me. Malfoy!" I say pushing him off me.

He sits back on his chair and the girl gets back on his lap.
A while passed then the girl went back to her dorm since she was also a Slytherin.

"LET'S PLAY A GAME" Pansy yells

"What do you want to play?" Daphne asks her.
you can notice they are both drunk

"Truth or dare," Theo says
"Okay but let's go to our dorm, we don't want to get caught!" Pansy says.
"SHIT I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY DORM IS!" I say with some cursing words following.

"You are with us in the same dorm Jules relax," Pansy says

I nod. I was relieved she and Daphne were my roommates.

We all agree and go over to our dorm when I change my clothes into something comfy. I put on my white PJs and sit between Daphne and Blaise on the floor.

 I put on my white PJs and sit between Daphne and Blaise on the floor

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Pansy spins the bottle till it landed on Daphne.
"Truth or dare Daphne?"
"What's your body count?"
"I am definitely not answering that," she says looking at Theo.
A while passed until the bottle finally landed on me.
"Truth or dare Jules?" Theo asks.
"I dare you to make out with Malfoy for 1 minute"
"You can't be serious Theo!"
"What? you are not scared, are you Jules?" Draco says with a smirk on his face.
" Shut up Malfoy"
"Then let's do it and forget it, we are too drunk to remember anything anyway"
He crawls over to me and lays his lips on mine, his lips were so soft,
The kiss was hungry but gentle at the same time, I put my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me
Now he was on top of me with his hands around my bare waist.
The kiss was undeniably good, it was like we were made for each other, our tongues fought for dominance but he obviously won.
I accidentally moaned in his mouth. I could feel his dick getting harder on my knees.
"Okay someone stops them before they go too far," Theo says
"That's alright mate you can finish this later!" Blaise says chuckling getting Draco off of me.
" I am so tired, I am going to sleep now," I say stumbling on my feet to my bed.
I take my top off since I am used to sleeping half-naked and get in my bed.
"Good night guys!"
"Good night"


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