Chapter three;

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        Paper work, paper work, paper work. When is my father and mother suppose to come home? I already feel as if I own the company with all the work I do.

        I need a break. I walk out of my office and into the library. I skim through the bindings of the books and find a book. It is a book Ciel recommend me in previous letters, it's called Candide by Voltaire. It's a very enthralling book, I've read it several times.

         Right as I was about to read, I am disrupted by no other than, Grell.

''Oh, Bessy! You've got a letter!'' He says,running towards me.

''Thank you.''

''Well, I have stuff to do so, bye Bessy!''

''Bye, Grell.''

        It must be from Ciel. I look at the letter and see that it's actually from my father. It's about time he contacts me.

        I open the letter.

''Dear Son,

        Your mother and I will be staying on our business trip for longer than we expected. But, there is a matter I want you to handle. In England, there is suppose to be a ball. Since I am incapable of going, I wish for you to go. It is important you go, we have missed numerous balls, it is making us look bad. The address is, 3165 Hampton road, in a town called Alston. Try to enjoy yourself and hopefully you'll find a future wife. The ball is in five days.

Sincerely, Father.''

        That address sounds familiar, where have I seen it before? Wait! I run out of the library and into my office. I go through piles of papers and envelopes, until I find an envelope that shows Ciel's address. To my surprise, it is the same address as the letter states from my father.

        Am I really going to meet Ciel? After all these years, am I going to meet my beloved? In five days.

        The door slams open, to my surprise it isn't Grell but, Elizabeth.

''Yes?'' I ask.

''You have a totally cute letter from Ciel!''

''Did you read it?''

''Possibly.'' She mumbles under her breath.

        She hands me the letter and walks out. She is one nosey person. And, why would she go through my mail?

''Dear Sebastian,

        My master is holding a ball soon. I heard alot of noble women and men will be arriving. And, since you are a noble man yourself, I thought maybe you would be here. I really hope to meet you. Tell me if you were invited or not, it will be helpful to know. And, thank you for the candy. It was delightful. Well except the fact Finny got some stuck in his hair. It was so bad that Meyrin had to cut his hair. He looks too funny! Well, I have to plant some beautiful sunflowers. I love you.

Sincerely, Ciel.''

        That confirms it, the ball is really where Ciel is at. What a great turn of events. I will be meeting Ciel in five days. Five days seem so short compared to the three years I have been waiting.

        I will see the beautiful lady I have been in love with for three years.It is so strange, I have not seen her once but, I fell in love with her. Maybe, it was the way we can relate on some things, or the fact that she is so positive, or maybe that she is so caring.

        Since the ball is in five days, we should leave this evening. I walk into the kitchen so, William can make the preparations in Agni's place. He simply fixes his glasses and tells me everything will be done in a reasonable time.

        I walk into my office so, I can write back to Ciel.

''Dear Ciel,

        I will be attending the ball. I will see you there, I love you.

Sincerely, Sebastian.''

        I thought the letter should be short, I am going to see her in five days. I fold the letter up and put it in an envelope. I write her name and address and look for William.

        I hand him the letter and head back into the office, when I am met with a useless servant, which can be any one of them.

''So, you're going to see that girl at the ball, Bessy?'' Grel exclaims.

''Yes, why?''

''Well, it gets me excited. It's almost like a love story! Oh Bessy, do you think William will send me letters? Love letters!''

''Now Grell, why would he write you letter if you guys live and work in the same manor? And sorry,I honestly feel as if the feelings between you two aren't mutual.''

''You're a cruel boy, Bessy!''

        I walk away from Grell, who is currently giving me unwanted chills down my spine.

        Later on in the evening, William enters into my office. He must be exhausted from all the planning he had to do. And, on top of that, he had to do it alone. He may not be a great chef but, he is capable at task such as these.

''Master, the carriage is ready. I have made all the preparations and have packed all the essential items and clothing for your trip. You shall be arriving at the finest hotel I could find, in four days. Since, Agni is not here, I shall be escorting you to the ball.''

''Very well, I will be down in a moment. You may go ahead''

''Yes, Master.''

        He leaves and I am left to over think a certain matter. I haven't given it much though but, how will I exactly know who is Ciel out of all those people? She has described herself with navy hair and is short. So, I will have to go by the details she has given me. I am sure she will be working at the ball, I will see her then. I wonder if she will find me as appealing as she does in the letters. Or, what happens if I am repulsive to her?

        I wish she didn't have to work the ball but, go to the ball with me. I would have her dressed in a gorgeous pink dress with a hat to match. I don't know, I honestly just picture her in a pink dresses, she would look ravishing in a pink dress I am sure. She can possibly even put her hair and low pig tails, wait, I am letting my mind wonder. I must leave to see her.

        After three years of waiting to see my beloved, I will finally meet her in five days. How intoxicating.

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