Chapter twelve;

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            I am awoken by a silent snore, escaping Ciel's mouth. I look down to see him spread out. For such a poky body, he is taking most of the bed. I see how this is going to be. 

        I notice he still has his eye patch wrapped around his head. He actually slept with it on. What can be so serious under the eye patch, that I can't see? It must just be an eye injury. It is nothing to be ashamed of, in my opinion. 

        I lift my arm, ever so slowly, toward his eye. My curiosity has got the best of me. I let my hand gently slide of his eye patch, without waking him up so far. I set the eye patch down beside him and as a signal, he jumps up, covering his naked eye. I can see the anger rise in him. 

 ''May I ask what you were doing?'' He asks, though gritted teeth.

 ''I was just curious on why you never take off your eye patch, that's all.''

 ''Don't ever try to take this eye patch off again, do I make myself perfectly clear?''

 ''Sorry, I didn't know it bothered you this deeply. I won't do it again.''

 ''Okay. Thank you. Apologies for snapping at you.'' 

        I suppose everyone has their secrets, they dare to never share with others. But, everyone has curiosity. And, mine seems to linger in my mind still. 


        While I do my paper work, I asked Ciel to help Lau with the garden. Lau does his job poorly, when he does his job. I also think Ciel will feel more relaxed gardening. I want him to not be so tense.

         I look out my study window, to see Ciel. I must say, he does look attractive in his gardening get up. The apron and the gloves. It is almost as a female gardener. I chuckle at the very thought. 

        I tilt my head to the side a little, to see Lau. He shows no signs of being productive at all. Any other day that would bother me but, Ciel enjoys to garden so, I shall let it slide this once. 

        I didn't notice I was staring at Ciel, until he turned around and saw me. I jump off my feet and slam onto the floor as quickly as I can. I felt the floor shake and hear a pair of feet run into my study.

 ''Master! Are you okay?'' I hear William Yell.

 ''I'm fine, I'm fine. I just fell.''

 ''Please, try to be more careful.'' He says, walking out. 

        As he walks out, I feel almost embarrassed at how childish my behavior just was. I could have simply walked out of sight from the window but, instead I almost break the floor over something so trivial. 

        I sit back into my chair and try to calm myself down. I doubt he even saw me, it could have been my imagination. Yes, that is what it was. There is no need to get worked up. He didn't even notice you.

        I get back to my work, or I should say, my father's work. It is a pile of business proposals, business ideas for the company, and wealthy merchants asking for deals. I decline most of them, except a select few, and simply throw away the most useless ones. Boring it is. I'd like to be outside or even playing a game with Ciel but, I am stuck here in this study. Curse you father. Leaving me here to do all your work, while you're exploring the world with mother. 

        I hear tiny knocks on my door.

 ''Come in.'' I say.

 ''I'm done with the garden, is there anything else I can do?''Ciel asks.

 ''You're done? Did you enjoy yourself?''

  ''I did.''

 ''That good to hear. I don't have any more gardens you can plant or experiment with. You can play in the drawling room until I'm done with this work.''

 ''I can wait in here until your done.''


 ''Are you sure?''


 ''Have a seat there then.''

        He sits down in the seat, on the other side of my desk. He sits there silently, with his angular legs crossed. He rests his head on the palm of his hand. He keeps his focus outside the window. 

        I get back to my work. Well, try. For some reason I feel nervous. It might be because, Ciel is here. I don't know why that would make me nervous though. I never get nervous. I feel my stomach churning as I try to do my paper work. 

        I finally decide, I won't get any work done.

 ''I'll end paper work early today, let's go into the drawling room.'' I suggest.


        I lead out the door, into the hallway leading to the drawling room. I open the door to my favorite room. The drawling room holds a pool table, a chess board, a red velvet couch, a book shelf, and a few board games. I tend to spend my time here, either playing a game of one man chess or reading the mystery novels. 

 ''Is there anything you'd prefer to play?'' I ask.


 ''Ah! Okay. I'll have you know, I am one of the best chess players.''

        I was one of the best chess player. Ciel beat me before I could blink. 

 ''Check mate.'' He said, evilly.

 ''How did you do that?'' 

 ''I'm good at chess, you could say.'' 

 ''Good is an understatement.'' I laughed.

        I was having such an enjoyable time, I forgot about his eye and what it holds. Maybe,if I ask him, he will reveal. 



 ''Can I know why you don't take off your eye patch?''

 ''No, you may not.''

 ''Aw, why not?''

 ''Because, I'd rather not share. It doesn't concern you.''

 ''But, I am curious.''

 ''Curiousity killed the cat.''

 ''Ciel, you can tell me. Trust me. I won't judge you.'' 

 ''I said no.''


 ''I said no!''

        I can tell I am reaching his limit of controlling his anger. But, I need to know. I'm about to do something possibly stupid.

        I leap over the table and pin him down, trying not to hurt him. I slide the eye patch off his head. He keeps his eye closed. 

 ''Open your eye!''

 ''Get off me this second!''

 ''Ciel! Open your eye!''

 ''I said get off!''

        I refuse to get off him until I know the truth. He is hiding something from me and I know it. Why would someone keep their eye patch on all day and night, a normal person takes it off when they're about to retire for the night. But, Ciel even sleeps with it on. That is an obvious sign of something being hidden and I will know.

        I know I am acting outrageous but, it almost angers me that he is hiding something from me, when I am always so open to him. 

 ''Ciel, open your eye! Dammit!'' 

        I manage to open his eye. What I see is more surprising. His eye. His eye is perfectly fine, it looks exactly like an eye should look.

 ''I hate you!" He says, escaping me and running out.

        What is going on?

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