forty four

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pimp: does anyone know taylor swift?

zz: r u being serious rn

👨🏻‍🦱hOe: sorry i'm not rich enough to know taylor swift

lima: wait
lima: how are we having a normal conversation rn i thought-

L: you thought?

lima: i mean-
lima: you and harry-

L: oH
L: we're cool

👨🏻‍🦱hOe: yeah we're cool

"YeAh wE'rE cOoL" Louis read the message out loud in a mocking voice, with his head currently on Harry's lap and his hair being played with.

"Shut it, you said it first." the taller boy tried to fight back but at the end of the day, we all know how sassy his little one can get so he doesn't even stand a chance.

zz: ummmm
zz: okay.... i guess,,,,?

pimp: you didn't tell me if you know taylor swift

👨🏻‍🦱hOe: i said i'm not rich enough-

zz: she's hot

👨🏻‍🦱hOe: why is everyone ignoring my joke :(

"Awwwwww, you poor little thing." Louis cooed.

"Look who's talking about being little...."

"I will bite you, Styles."

He looks even smaller when he's angwy🥺 - was what our Harry was thinking right now.

L: what do u need it for anws

zz: what the hell is anws

pimp: a newly wed's sandwich

L: stop being dumb, stands for anyways

zz: who the fuck writes anyways like that

L: i do so stop judging

zz: niall what did u need it for

pimp: 😱
pimp: rude much

👨🏻‍🦱hOe: we're never gonna know why he asked that are we

lima: nope

pimp: i'm on my period again

L: who let him bring back this joke no-

*zz has left the chat*


HI HI HI i decided to bring back the dumb mindless texts that have nothing to do with the actual plot (that literally doesn't exist yet like idk what i'm gonna do with this) bUT-

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100K READS this is insane i literally can't-

i'm working on the plot rn and i don't want it to be anything dramatic, but i don't want it to be boring either so we'll see what i come up with

love you all, and sorry for the boring chapter, it's just a filler;

-Anna 💓💘💗💕💞💖

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