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"I..." I said, looking down. I hate lying. "I don't." I saw his face drop but at the same time he smiled, "I need to go." I said, already walking away.

"L-Louis?" I heard him say again.

I have a question.

Why did he stutter?


"Hm?" I turned around.

"Are you...b-by any chance, free?" he said rubbing his neck nervously, looking down.


"I—nevermind." he smiled.

"No, what did you mean?"

"I was wondering if you'd want to go grab some coffee...?" I have never seen him more vulnerable, he is not his usual confident and cocky self. So what happened?

"Maybe some other time?" I really don't want to reject him but I cant spend time with him, I'm an irrelevant person, right?

"Oh...that's alright!" he smiled, "so maybe we can exchange numbers so we can text sometimes?" he was so cheerful.

"Sure!" I said, without thinking. He pulled his phone out for me to tell him my number, "it's—"

And then it hit me.

If I give him my number he will know I'm Tommo.


Think Tomlinson, think.

"It's—actually, I forgot, I don't have a phone."



"Well, I do, but it doesn't work."

Fuck you, Tomlinson.

"But how do you sell pics if your phone doesnt work—"

"It doesnt always not work, dummie!" I fake laughed, slightly hitting his shoulder. He flinched from my touch.

God, you're so dumb, Louis.

"It's just—It died and it wont turn on, that's it. I'll definitely give you my number when I fix my phone. Okay bye now!" I ran away as quickly as I could.

What the fuck was even this conversation, oh my god. I wanna curl into a ball and cry.

I need my friend, I need Harry.

Since it was my last class, I ran towards my dorms and dropped on my bed, didn't even notice Zayn there.

"What's the problem?" He asked, seeing my eyes red.

"I'm the problem" I sobbed into my pillow.

"Oi, don't you dare say that!" He got up. "I don't know what happened and you don't need to tell me, but just know that you're amazing." he sat next to me on my bed, putting his hand on my back, drawing soothing patterns.

"I wanna talk to him."

"Who?" Obviously, Zayn knew about my crush on Harry and how I am his friend...well, not me, Tommo is. "Oh..." realization hit him. "You should text him."

"But that's not me, Zaynie! That's not Louis, that's tommo!" I yelled.

"And who is tommo?"

"Tommo is funny, smart, loving."

"And whats Louis like?"

"Louis is a liar, he is unworthy and....irrelevant." even saying that word hurt.

"Who said that?"

"Harry did."

And that's how I told Zayn the entire story.

- - - - -

"You're so dumb." He laughed after I finished my story.

"Wait, what?" I was confused and offended.

"You'll get what I mean soon. Now go wash your eyes so they don't burn tomorrow, charge your phone and text him as Tommo." He smiled and got up.

I'm so thankful for having him, I'm so thankful to him. If not him I don't know what I'd do, who I'd be. He's my best friend, my anchor through everything. He's always here, I can always count on him.

So I got up, washed up and charged my phone.

As soon as it turns on the screen lights up with several messages.

haroldina: *9+ unread messages*


hello broes and hoes

how are you guys doing, how's quarantine??

wrong number?  °larry texting au°Where stories live. Discover now