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annoying bastard: hello?
annoying bastard: tommo🥺

Me: don't you dare use that emoji

annoying bastard: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Me: i think you got the wrong number

annoying bastard: how do you know?

Me: i just know?
Me: where did you even get it from anyways?

annoying bastard: my bestie niall gave it to me

Me: and where did 'your bestie niall' get my number from?

annoying bastard: idk
annoying bastard: he said it would be fun if id text you

Me: well it isnt fun

annoying bastard: 🥺


I put my phone away. God, I can't believe he's texting me. And who the fuck is Niall? I'm so confused, honestly. So I decided to text my only friend. Zayn.


Zayn Malik.

I love him.

Me: hi zach

🗿: hi lewis

Me: fuck you

🗿: is that a suggestion?

Me: i hate uou
Me: you*

🗿: love you too mate

Me: 😒
Me: anyways
Me: you wont believe what happened

🗿: what

Me: i said you wont believe what happened

🗿: what

Me: what

🗿: what—

Me: malik are you high

🗿: always


🗿: .....

Me: ugh
Me: so
Me: harry styles
Me: texted
Me: me

🗿: so youre high without me too

Me: tf i am not a betrayer

🗿: then wtf are you talking about

Me: he really did text me tho

🗿: proof or it didn't happen

Me: *3 images attached*
Me: here


Me: 🤦‍♂️

🗿: dude that guy is a joke

Me: and why is that?

🗿: bc he texted you AHAHAH

Me: malik but you text me too

🗿: im a victim of cyber bullying youll see me on the news

Me: youre also not funny


Me: bye

🗿: bye loser

As soon as I put my phone away I got a notification.

I hate life.

annoying bastard: omg

Me: what

annoying bastard: you replied to me

Me: why did you say omg?

annoying bastard: bc you replied to me?

Me: but i—
Me: i replied to you after you said omg?

annoying bastard: but you replied to OMG

Me: youre an idiot, styles

annoying bastard: but im a hot idiot😎

Me: ew
Me: bye

annoying bastard: TOMMO WAIT DONT GO
annoying bastard: TOMMOOOOOOOOOOOOO
annoying bastard: *cries*
annoying bastard: no wait
annoying bastard: im too cool to cry
annoying bastard: *cries in a cool way*

wrong number?  °larry texting au°Where stories live. Discover now