forty one

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Okay yeah no, there's definitely something wrong with our Louis.

First he completely ignores Zayn, then he bumps into a girl and spills her coffee all over herself and then yells at the poor thing, then he accidentally breaks the door handle, then he sasses the fucking professor out and gets kicked out of class and its only the first day of the semester?

You know those times when you feel like the entire world is against you when it really isn't? Yeah, not Louis. Not Louis bc the entire world actually is against him and he is very much sure of that.

So now, wandering the entire campus when he should've been in class, Louis really gets to think about things he was avoiding for so long. But it's hard. So he went to the park because who doesn't like parks.

And that's when he saw an absolutely adorable little girl who was all excited about some stone she found on the ground and was yelling DAD!! DADDY!!!! to get Louis assumes her father's attention.

His first thought was oh my god I HAVE to tell Harry about this he loves kids. He even went as far as taking his phone out of his pocket...until he remembered.

Isn't is so fucking sick and twisted though? He can't even complain about missing the most important person in his life when he knows he's the one avoiding him. Right now, Louis really wishes he could bang his head to the nearest wall.

And that's when his phone lit up with a notification.

👨🏻‍🦱hOe: hi
👨🏻‍🦱hOe: my name's harry
👨🏻‍🦱hOe: wanna be friends? ☺️


oh hi there

okay this is gonna be long but probably interesting for you so stick with me if u want

1. its like past 1am and i was laying reading this entire fic for the past hour bc i wanted to update it and BITCH THIS FIC IS SO FUCKING FUNNY

2. i have the coronavirus which is not fun, i'm recovering but yeah ahah don't we just love life

3. there's a literal war going on in my country rn and some of the people i knew have been killed

4. as some of you may know i grew up with my grandma, i didn't have no one except for her and my brother, and a month ago one of my granddad's died. now both of my other grandparents are in the hospital bc they have the covid too, my brother's at my dad's place bc he's the only one who hasn't got the virus, my mum agreed to stay with me so i'm not alone but its still so fucking hard.

and i can't even attend classes bc i have to stay home bc of the virus AND they say they're gonna close unis and schools bc of the war so i guess im stuck like this.

so yeah, you can imagine what my life is looking like right now.

still, i love all of you, you deserved this update, im so proud of you, you are doing amazing!!

- Anna

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