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Me: omg

haroldina: omg


haroldina: OMG

Me: omg?

haroldina: are you ok?

Me: idk are you?

haroldina: i asked first

Me: bc i said omg first

haroldina: so what happened

Me: i think my bestie has a crush on my brother

haroldina: OMG?

Me: ikr

haroldina: boii
haroldina: lemme get some popcorn

Me: so
Me: he was looking at him the whole time
Me: and he called him a 'sweetheart'
Me: and then
Me: he said something like "you should come by more often" but it sounded like "you should fuck me" to my ears

haroldina: 💀
haroldina: what about liam tho?

Me: hold up
Me: how do you know his name?

haroldina: you told me?

Me: i did?

haroldina: bro—

Me: i aint your bro

haroldina: okay boyfriend

Me: ew
Me: you wish

haroldina: stfu i have a crush

Right. Ouch.

Me: oh how i wouldn't want to be your crush

haroldina: good thing you arent
haroldina: wait
haroldina: why wouldnt you want to be my crush?

Me: multiple reasons
Me: 1. Youre annoying af
Me: 2. You probs change crushes everyday
Me: 3. Youre a bad texter

haroldina: excuse you
haroldina: i've had a crush on this person for as long as i have been in this college

Me: yeah right

haroldina: i swear
haroldina: i know everything about them at this point

Me: example

haroldina: nah
haroldina: if i tell you about beanie you'll know who they are

Me: beanie
Me: who the crack is beanie?

haroldina: thats what niall and i call them

Me: lmao why

haroldina: bc they are smol like a bean
haroldina: anyways
haroldina: what do you want to know

Me: idk
Me: whats their eye color

haroldina: pff
haroldina: out of all questions you could have possibly asked you chose THAT
haroldina: their eyes are blue
haroldina: now go and be jealous

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