thirty eight

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Author's P.O.V.

What was happening, again?

To Louis, this felt like a sick dream. Sick not in a good way.

But the funny thing is, apart from feeling worse than he has ever felt before, at some point, he felt relieved.

But, he locked all those feelings and emotions deep inside his heart, slapped his laptop close, turned off his phone, and went to take a shower.

And that, my friends, is how Louis Tomlinson spent the rest of his summer.

Watching Netflix 24/7, spending time with his loved ones, occasionally FaceTiming Liam and Zayn, eating and sleeping.

Just the thought of classes starting made him terrified as ever, and not just because he didn't want summer to end or he didn't get enough rest. Just because he knew he would have to face reality (reality being a particular person named Harry Edward Styles).

But it was going to be okay. Every story has a happy ending, right?


i have to go to college the day after tomorrow to...idek to do what, my classes start from september 15, but i know im gonna meet new people and i'm kiiind of excited but kind of really scared at the same time. also went out to drink boba as my last day of freedom😭

also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUNGKOOK OF BTS UWUUU my mum bought cake and birthday candles, my entire city is posters and ads of him bc kpop is like a religion where i live, anyways yeah wish my baby happy birthday!!

so PLEASE excuse this shit of a chapter, i had to write something to let you know that summer has already passed and i didn't want to write how lou spends his time without haz bc this is a larry fic and it should be interesting

love you lots,


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