Chapter 18

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Chapter 18-



He's not acting like his usual self which scares me. When he licked the crumbs off my lip, I expected someone like Rider to do that. Shivers go down my spine every time I think about it. Not only that, but he's trying to get closer to me than before. He always wraps his arms around me, plays with my hair, and he sat on me once! That's just a little too much, really.

Working at the Donovan's is calm and peaceful......only when Natalie isn't around. She's the total opposite of Blake. Blake is nice, kind, sweet and innocent, while Natalie is crazy, rude, and a screamer. She always wants something that I can't get for her, and she throws a tantrum because of that. I guess she only acts nice around Blake.

The only person who doesn't act weird or rude around me is probably their father. He's always calm, and has a smile on his face. He tells me stories about his high school days with Tony, which actually surprises me.
Occasionally, Tony would come over at the Donovan's for dinner with my mom. And of course, her being a mom, she tells embarrassing stories about me in front of Nathan and his family. And just to get her back, I told Tony embarrassing stuff about her, but he laughs it off and says that it's "cute".

I sigh as I got walked out of Nathan's house. He asked if I wanted a ride to school, but I refused his offer.
I started to walk past Rider's house, but I stopped and saw a little boy watering the flowers by the gate. My heart starts to pound harder, and I felt a lump in my throat. Blake turns around and stares at me with his big round eyes. "Amelia?...." He starts to tear up and runs towards me with a big hug. "Amelia!"

My mind was only focused on the little cute boy in front of that I used to work for, but then, standing three feet away from me was Rider. Blake keeps on hugging me while saying something, and he says something that makes my eyes go wide, "Are you coming back to work for us?" Blake! Why do you have to ask right now!

I gulp, this isn't really the time to say this right now, especially in front of Rider. I push him away lightly. "I have to go Blake..." He looks at me, waiting for an answer. Blake isn't stupid, I know he's not. He's smart enough to know exactly what I'm trying to do. It really hurts to know that he knows what I'm thinking right now. He smiles sweetly at me, which literally just stabs my chest. "Alright..." He says quietly, "Bye Amelia."

I bite my lip and pat his head. Rider starts to walk towards us, but I started to run away. Blake really wanted me to come back, but I already decided that I wanted to start over. Start over again....that's going to be hard since memories keep popping in my head all the time.
My legs start to slow down as I reached the parking lot of the school after 5 minutes. I bend down as I try to catch my breath after all the running I just did.

Footsteps approach me as I look up. Nathan stands in front of me with his arms crossed. "And that's why I asked you for a ride to school." He says. He holds his hand out and I reached out to him as he pulls me up. "Sorry," I mutter. We make our way inside the building while we heard people talking uncontrollably. Everyone starts surrounding something that I couldn't see.

"What's going on?" I asked. A girl with short brown hair turns around and smiles, "The school is having their annual Competition of the Years and everyone from every grade level is signing up!" Nathan furrows his eyebrows, "What's so great about it?" He asks. The girl starts jump excitedly, "The winning group gets a paid trip to Hawaii!" My mouth drops open, along with Nathan, who looks excited for this.

"What?! The school actually has money for this?" I said. "I know right? But it's still something everyone wants to do." The girl reaches out for my hands, "Hey! You should join! Aren't you like a clean freak or something?" I cock my head to the side and look at her in shock. No one knew I like to clean except for Rider, Nathan, and Taylor..."Well you see," she started, "there's actually a category for cleaning because the principal wants the janitors to take a break. And you know, I heard Taylor saying that you like to clean, and I was thinking if you're willing to join my team?"

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