Chapter: 10

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Chapter 10:
Complete silence filled the Masterson's mansion-house-thing by the time I got home. Sebastian isn't even talking either which is very suspicious to me because he would ask 'what happened' in this type of atmosphere. Blake's also become quiet when we got home, but when I saw his face, his eyes were puffy and his cheek were slightly red. Rider doesn't dare make eye contact with me after what happened.

It just doesn't seem.....the same if the house isn't loud and crazy. I actually miss it.
I started to clean the house like usual, from top to bottom. I started to head towards the game room and stopped as I saw a familiar brown hair on the couch watching tv. I hesitate for a moment but decided to just clean the room anyways. I tried to clean as fast as I can so it wouldn't be awkward, but he kept on looking at me. Him staring at me constantly made me very uncomfortable, especially since I was wearing my maid uniform.

I finished wiping the tables and quickly headed towards the stairs until Rider called my name. ".....Yes?" I responded back.
He motioned me over to sit next to him. I had no choice but to walk towards him. I sat down in the far corner away from Rider. He gives me an odd look, opens his mouth, but I raise my hand to stop him. "Don't tell me any lies, Rider. I don't want to hear sh!t, okay?"

I saw his eyes widen for a bit but then his eyes looked serious. "I'm not gonna apologize to you--" "and you're not. You're gonna apologize to Blake, he probably saw you there with that girl--"
"Her name's Kira--" "DOES IT EVEN MATTER?!"
The room goes silent again, I can feel my blood boiling up. I rest my hand on my face, feeling very annoyed and angry. And I hate it when I'm very frustrated, because I---

I quickly got up and started heading out the door. I can feel my face heating up so much, it actually hurts. I look over my shoulder and see Rider still sitting down. The door shoots open as I reached for the door knob. "B-blake?" I wipe my eyes as he stared at me.
His face looked so emotionless, it scared me. He grabs my wrist gently and leads me out the door.

I didn't do anything to stop him, because I wanted to get out of there. I stopped in one place as Blake tried to pull me. "Blake....what are you doing?"
The clock is ticking, from the kitchen.
Blake turns around and gives me a soft smile, "I thought we were gonna play?"
My heart just broke.
He knows, he knows what happened.

I saw him turn around right when I pulled him. He made me a promise, and I followed it. But Rider made his own decisions and threw it all away.
But Blake's smile says it all, and I just went along. I took his hand and squeezed it tightly.
"Yeah, we are."
Short chapter again, bleh.

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