Chapter 16

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Chapter 16-


I ran out the house before the situation could get any crazier than it already is.

The only place I could think of actually going to was my mom's house. People stared at me as I ran home in my maid uniform which was pretty embarrassing, but I just ignored them. How could someone say that? Calling my mom a whore....that's not true. I know it isn't.

When I reached my front porch, I noticed a black car that's never here. Tony's still here I thought. My mom is happy with him and I don't want to just barge in like that. I crept a little closer to the window and peeked inside. Tony and my mom were playing one of my favorite board games on the table. I sigh and just knocked on the door.

I hear my mom giggling her way towards the door, "Amelia? What are you doing here?" I got inside the house and slump down on the couch next to Tony but then I scoot away because I felt a little nervous sitting next to man who looks like a model. "I got fired." I mutter. My mom rushes towards me and looks at me, "W-what? What happened?!" I glance at Tony who's staring at me as well with a concerned look. "I.....I um...slapped Rider's mom?..." My mom's mouth drops open and stares at me in surprise.

She didn't even say anything at all, she was pretty shocked. I don't blame her, I was shocked as well too. I stand up quickly, "Well," I said, "I'm going to my room I guess." I ran up the stairs before my mom could say anything to me. The small hallway had three rooms, my room, my mother's and my father's old office. My feet kept moving, and I walked right past my room, into my father's office.

I stopped and hesitate as I saw the huge mess in the room. Papers were stacked everywhere, books were scattered, everything was just a mess. I walked inside and looked around. There was an odd smell and it really bothered me. My mind kept on telling me clean this up, it's disgusting! Or, find that weird smell and freshen this place up! Which was basically the same thing.

And so I cleaned everything up at the end. All my anger went out on the candy wrappers on the floor. Why the hell would Rider's mom even say that. And Rider stared at me like I was crazy too! Like I was the one who caused that disaster to happen. Well-- I kinda did cause it...

Mrs. Masterson didn't have the right to say those things to me. Half of those rude comments she said were true expect for the 'your mom is a whore' thing which was way too far. But what I said was true though, Blake was happy with the little gift Sebastian and I got him......


Ahh!!! How could I forget about him! They must of yelled at him, or punished him, or worse of all--they could have fired him! God, I need to know if he's ok, he didn't deserve to be yelled at by that woman. He didn't say anything to her at all to make her mad! I'm getting so worried right now, that I couldn't hear someone calling my name.


I quickly turn around and see Tony standing by the door. "Oh uh--w-what do you need?" He looks around the room while raising his eyebrows. "Wow, you did a good job cleaning this room." He said. I chuckle quietly and looked away. God, this is so weird. Tony clears his throat, "I was actually looking for my phone, your mom is looking for it downstairs while I looked up here. Can you help us find it?"

I stand up and nod my head. I walk out the door and headed towards my mom's room. I looked at the bed, well I found his jacket. When I was about to go get his jacket I stopped and looked at my mom's room, it was a mess as well. How could she invite someone over when her room is dirty? I stopped myself from trying to clean this up and just grabbed Tony's jacket and left.

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