Chapter 14

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I was listening to some music and I kept on typing the lyrics down.....but anywayss's chapter 14 =^.^=

Chapter 14:

I woke up early in the morning, it was probably 4 a.m. I kept on hearing noises coming from the kitchen and living room. I silently got out of my bed and opened my door. Someone was making angry sounds and said some curse words. Break in?...... I breathed in, and out, and started walking out my door. The stairs didn't make any noise at all which was a relief.

As I came to the last step, I heard a loud crash that made my heart jump. "Fuck..." I quickly run towards the kitchen and stop at the door. A familiar brown-headed boy with only boxers and a t-shirt stands in front of a broken glass cup. "Rider?"
Rider jumps when I called his name and walks in front of the broken glass so I wouldn't notice it. "Jesus, don't scare me like that."

He started reaching down to pick up the glass which immediately caught my attention, so I ran and slapped his hand away. "W-what the hell Sage? I'm trying to clean this up!" I scoff and got the broom for him, "Are you stupid? Grabbing glass with your bare hands is dangerous." I hand him the broom and he hesitantly takes it. "I knew that..." he mumbled. I roll my eyes and sat down on the stool.

"So what are you doing here early in the morning?" I asked. He silently sweeps up the glass while pouting. He glances at me and still said nothing. "Just cleaning..." I stop and stare. My hand covers my mouth from trying not to laugh and say something mean because I knew it would make him feel bad. I clear my throat and tried to hide my smile, "A-and why is that?"

Rider stops and leans on the counter facing away from me, "I'm just trying to do something productive today, okay?" I started to laugh at him because he was getting all embarrassed. "Look, the only productive thing you could do is not doing anything at all." Rider stares at me in shock as I grab the broom away from him and started to sweep the last pieces of glass. "I'm not that lazy you know," he says, "I actually am trying to help here."

I sigh and point at the sink, "Fine then," I started, "then go hand-wash those dishes." His face started to scrunch up in disgust, "But isn't there a dishwasher? Can't I just use tha---" "You probably don't know how to use it." I interrupted. And I was right, he mumbled something under his breathe and went right to work.

I yawn loudly and scratch my head, well since I'm here, I might as well do something to help him. Rider slowly works on washing the dishes as I walk towards the closet to get a mop. We worked silently until we heard tiny footsteps running towards the kitchen. Blake rushes to the stool and sits there with a huge smile on his face. "Good morning birthday boy, you should go back to sleep because it's too early!" I said.

"I'm already awake so I can't go back to sleep, plus I'm really excited! Natalie is coming over." I couldn't help but smile at Blake's response. Natalie and him are so adorable, I hope they get together when they're older. My eyes shift over to Rider, and his mouth keeps on twitching. I poke him with the mop and point at Blake. He hesitates and looks at the sink, "Happy birthday Blake."

Blake stops moving his feet and sits still. I see a little smile form on his face, "Thanks Rider." Loud footsteps starts running down the stairs. Sebastian looks at us while panting, "Good, you guys have already started cleaning. The Mastersons will come here exactly at noon, while the other maids and butlers will come here 3 hours before they do--" Sebastian stares at Rider who's still washing dishes. He shakes his head and continues on from what he was saying, "They'll be helping us clean the whole place up to satisfy the Mastersons, so let's hurry!"

We all agreed including Blake and we all went and got to work. I've never seen Sebastian so worried. Only three hours had passed by and no one had said a single word while we were cleaning. Rider went to the basement with Blake to help clean up the mess they had there. Sebastian was wiping the tables like crazy trying to see his own reflection.

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