Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"Amelia, wake up honey!"

Five more minutes mom, five more...



I open my eyes and I get up quickly. I touch my hair and it's....wet?
I look up and see Rider with an empty bucket and realized that he threw water at me!

I open my mouth to say something, but instead he throws a towel at me, "Hurry up stupid, go get my breakfast ready or something."
I angrily clean my face with the towel he threw at me and walked towards my closet.

"I delivered three extra maid outfits! I've known Rider for a reaaally long time, and wellI know his exact actions. So be sure to use these!"

Yeah, thanks Red, you could have told me earlier about his "actions".
I pick out a maid uniform, and start changing into it. Once I was finished, I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Miss Amelia."
"Good morning, Sebastian."
I grab the tray with Rider's name on it and walk towards the dining room. Rider is sitting there, at the way end of the table with Blake.

Blake was eating some Frosted Flakes, he turns and looks at me and smiles, with milk running down his chin. "Morning, Amelia!"
I smile at him while cleaning his face, "Morning, Blake!"
Rider frowns, "C'mon already! I'm hungry!"

I hurry over to Rider and place the tray right in front of him with a frown on my face. "Amelia," said Blake, "do you want to eat cereal like me?" I look at him, about to respond something until Rider interrupted me, "Maids don't eat here, they work Blake."

Blake looked upset, so I came, leaned over and whispered something in his ear. "After school, we could play race cars in your room, okay?" Blake gives a thumbs up and eats his cereal.
"Woah maid," he said while looking at me, "don't lean over unless you want me to see your ass."
I cover my behind, embarrassed, "W-why are you even looking!"
"Hey, you were the one who leaned over." he said with a smirk on his face. This guy.......Renee must really secretly hate me.

Rider stands up and walks out of the dining room, "I'm going to school, and maid, I'm not taking you."
"What?! Am I supposed to walk there or something?" Rider turns around with an evil grin, "I suppose so."
He walks out the door and I could hear the engines turning on, with a loud screech. I sit down on the chair and sigh, this "playboy" acts more like a jerk.

Blake pokes me, "I could take you." I look at him and laugh. "Blake, I think you're a little too young to take me." Blake points at Sebastian, "I know that, silly! I meant Sebastian could take you while I come with you."

My face brightens,
"Are you serious?"
A small smile formed on my face as I run upstairs and quickly change out of my maid uniform. I put on red ripped jeans, with black dirty converse, and a black t-shirt. I didn't have time wear make up at the moment so I quickly headed downstairs.

"Ready!" I yell but Sebastian and Blake are already out of the house and in the car. I run out the door with my book bag and towards the car. "Let's go Sebi!" yelled Blake. And the car goes away.


"He threw water at you? That's just plain rude. I would have put food out for you, the smell of food wakes you up easily." said Taylor. I smile, she always knows what to say.
Taylor and I were heading towards the lunchroom to eat. Surprisingly, Blake made me lunch so I accepted his lunch so he wouldn't be sad.
"So," she whispered, "has he tried to touch or kiss you in any way?" I punched her, "Ow!" she screeched.

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