Chapter 29

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Chapter 29-

"Y'all are so disgusting, with the lovey dovey sh!t. Right Taylor?"

"Totally agree with you, Ethan. And how long have you guys been dating? 4 months now? Super superrr crazy man. I've shipped you guys since you guys first met."

I rolled my eyes at them but a tint of red covered my cheeks as I smile at the ground.

Daniel and I are actually dating.

It felt so weird, yet good. Daniel is surprisingly taking the relationship pretty slow which I really appreciate. But, we all know he definitely wants more than just holding hands and all.

Blake got so excited for us and Sebastian just started to tear and saying that he knew I was gonna be with him. The three stylist, Red, Pink, and Blue excitedly cheered for me while crying tears of joy. Renee (Daniel's aunt) was clearly happy that her "plan" worked or whatever. And lastly, my mom was happy for me, and so were my friends.

I, myself, was pretty happy. I'm finally in a relationship with a boy I didn't expect to be with. Even if he was a cocky playboy, I mean he's still conceited and cocky as ever, I still love him just the way he is. And for some odd reason, he has completely changed ever since we started dating. He's way nicer to me than before.

"Soo....." Taylor slurred.
"Have you guys done it, yet?"

Ethan covers his mouth from showing his smile as they both look at me suspiciously. I snort in response and turn away. "No! He's going at a slow pace for me in the relationship and I'm totally fine with it, Taylor."

"But you know, Rider was a playboy. Always wanting to have sex or do anything naughty in general, Amelia. So the fact that he's holding back, makes him a pretty patient guy ya know." Says Ethan.

"Yeah.....b-but I'm not ready---"

"Don't worry," Taylor chirps in as she puts her arm around me, "you don't need to go that quick in the relationship. If you're satisfied with where you're standing in the relationship, then it's okay to keep it as it is for now until your mentally ready for that Amelia."

I smile at Taylor, who smiles back at me in return.
Yeah, maybe Daniel is having a hard time holding back at trying to jump me at any minute, but I don't want to seem that boring. We've had some nice kissing sessions, and they were enough for me but I'm not too sure about him.

"'Kay, I'll see you guys tomorrow. And Ethan---introduce us to your boyfriend next time when we go out, okay?"

Ethan runs bright red with his mouth dropped open. "B-b-boyfriend?!" He stutters. Taylor elbows his stomach. "Yeah ya little sneaky boy, I see you eyeing that one cute junior, Lyle."

Taylor giggles at him as he crosses his arms and moves uncomfortably.
"He's just my friend......"

"Sureee." Taylor and I said in unison as we all walk away together.


I knock on the huge door that was in front of me, and Blake appears in front of me with a beaming smile. "Hi Amelia!!" He says.

"Hey Blake! Can I come in?"
Blake quickly moved aside to let me walk in. He shuts the door behind me and holds my hand. "You're here to see Rider, right?"
I squeeze his hand and smile, "yup! Is he in his room?"
Blake nods his head and guides me to his room, even thought I already know where it is since I have worked here.

Blake stops at Daniels door and faces me, "can you play with me later? Like how we played before with the race cars?"
"Of course Blake, we can hang out tomorrow if you want. Just me and you, alright?"

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