Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:
"Hurry up maid! I want to go to the zoo early!"
"You really want to go to the zoo that bad, Rider?"
"Shut it, Sage."
I laughed at his response as I pack my bags. Apparently, we are staying at a fancy hotel after we visit the zoo since it's a three day weekend. Rider planned everything out while trying to handle his excitement becauseーthis is his first time going to the zoo.

Just thinking about that makes me laugh. The rich, good looking, playboy has never been to the zoo. Hilarious.
I grab my bag and head towards Blake's room to see if he was finished packing his clothes. Blake was standing there observing clothes that were on the floor.
"Hey, hey! We need to hurry Blake or else your brother will get angry."
Blake ignored me and points at a shirt, "Should I take the green striped shirt? Or the dress shirt Momma bought me?"

"Why would you bring a dress shirt?" I asked.
"Rider said I need to look good for the chicks. I don't know why I need to look good for chickens, but hopefully they don't peck me or something."
I breathe in heavily and remind myself to not to yell at Rider after this and just told Blake to bring the green shirt. We run downstairs and went to the kitchen and Rider was standing there with his arms crossed on his chest. "Why did you guys take so long? We need to get there on time!" he said angrily.

"Blake said he needed to find a shirt for the 'chicks'." I said.
He ignored me and walk towards Sebastian. "So Sebastian, you're staying home andー"
"What?" I interrupted, "I thought Sebastian was coming with us?"
"He isn't interested in going, right Sebastian?"
Sebastian smiles and nods his head.
"B-but I want Sebastian to come." said Blake.

Rider walks towards Blake and kneels down to be the same height as him, "Sebastian doesn't want to go, Blake. He isn't interestedー"
"Sebastian, can you come with us?" pleaded Blake. "I-I'm not sure Mister Blake, if your eldest brother does not want me to go, thenー" "You should come!" I interrupted, "it'll be a family trip or something!" "Yeah!" beamed Blake.
Rider looks at me with a scowl on his face, then at Sebastian and then at Blake. "Fine......but this is for Blake."

Blake gives a happy cheer and heads towards the limo. Rider stops me from walking outside the door and looks at me from top to bottom. "Are you really gonna wear that?" he asked, "a sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and converse? Shouldn't you wear booty shorts, a tank top, and flip flops like any other girl would?"
I push him aside, "I don't like wearing those type of things. I don't like exposing my skin."
"But you always do when you wear your maid costumeー"

"That's because I have to." I said while getting inside the limo.
Rider comes in the limo and sits next to Blake, "No guy will look at you."
I take out a book and start reading it, "I don't really care about that. Now stop talking to me, I'm reading a book."
We are finally at the zoo.
Blake and Rider both look around in excitement as they see the animals in their habitats.
Rider and Blake look so much alike when they see something for the first time, it's actually kinda cute. I look at Sebastian, he's looking around the zoo calmly. "Is this your first time coming here?" I asked.
He's still looking around the zoo.
"O-oh sorry Miss Amelia, did you say something? I was just observing these beautiful animals. I've come here many times before with my wife actually."

I smile at him as we stop to look at hippos. Rider points at a really fat hippo, "Hey Sage! I see you eating some grass."
I stare at him in disbelief but then laughed at his stupid joke. "Ha, ha, Masterson. You're really funny." I don't want to ruin his happiness, he looks like he's having fun. So then I came up to him, grabbed his face and turned it to the left.

"You see those girls with the tank tops, booty shorts, and flip flops?" I said. "I overheard them saying that they wanted to talk to you and they think you're hot."
I pushed him away playfully as he gives me his signature smirk. I look at the hippos again with Blake and Sebastian until I felt someone poked my shoulder.

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