Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


It's been two weeks now that I've worked with the Mastersons. I already know the house from top to bottom, and the daily routine.

Friday morning, 7:00 am, everyone eats at the table. Rider gets up and says, 'I'm not taking you to school, maid.'

"I'm not taking you to school, maid."
Rider walks away and heads outside.
Right on track.

'I can take you to school Amelia!'

"I can take you to school, Amelia!" says Blake cheerfully.
I gladly accept his offer like always and head to school.
"Did you finish your history report? Was it due today?! Damn it!"

I sigh at Taylor, always forgetting to do her homework and she somehow manages to get an A in her honor classes.

"Yes, yes, and ha." I said.
We head towards the library for history class. Taylor and I sit with Aaron.
"H-hi Aaron." I stammered.
"Hey Amelia, hey Taylor." Aaron said with a smile.

Oh god, his smile.

Taylor slumped down on the chair and banged her head on the table. "Why must god hate me!" she said.
Aaron sighed, "Let me guess, she forgot to do the report again. How do you even have an A in this class?"

I nod my head in agreement until I heard something that made me freeze, "Hey Rider, can I come over to see your new maid?"
Taylor also looked alarmed and looked at me. I turned around slightly to see who was there, Rider, Nate and their stupid friends. "Is she hot, is she hot?!" yelled a kid with freckles on his face

For gods sake, this is a library! Keep your voice down!

"Well," started Rider. "She looks....decent. She's not hot but she's ok too I guess. She isn't the best looking maid I've her had but she'll do." I turn my head back around and scowl at what he just said.
"I think she's cute."

I turn my head back around again and see who said that. "She has a pretty face in my opinion."
"Oooo two different opinions from the two most popular boys at school. This has to be good." said a kid.

"What the hell are you talking about," said Rider, "she's really plain and she barely has a chest."
Taylor pats my back, saying it's ok as I lay my head down on the table shamefully.

"Seriously dude, you have some kind of fetish with girls' chests." said Nate, "I don't really care how her body looks like. She's a really cool girl. She knows what to say instead of your other maids who would always just talk about you the whole day."

Why is Nate saying this? I look up at Aaron and he looked like he was also listening to their conversation.
"God Nathan, you're too cheesy. The maid is too skinny. Does she even eat at all?"

"Don't you remember she brought us a cake over that one time? She ate the whole thing when I saw her in the kitchen."
Am I really that skinny? I always eat junk food and I never get fat, what's wrong with me?!

"What about her personality?" asked Nate.
"Well, for starters, she actually likes to clean. My previous maids only cleaned if I told them they'll get a reward afterwards by me. And now, that girl always cleans up for fun. Who the f*ck does that?"

"Well at least she does clean. Before, your house was always a mess. And now, it's cleaner than before. Don't you like anything about her?"
Rider takes a minute to think. The three of us are eager to hear his response.

"Her ass?"

I'm done.

"She accidentally leaned over and I saw her ass. It looks pretty nice."
All the guys at the table started to talk about it while "ooo"ing. I feel so....disgusted by it. I can't believe he actually said that. And I always wear shorts under the maid costume.

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