Chapter 32

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Chapter 32-


"College here we come!"

We all cheer with our glasses up in the air, clanking it with one another.
Everyone finally graduated, and all of my friends were here at Daniel's house.

Well, not all of my friends.

Daniel surprisingly wanted to throw a huge party for those who were going off for college. And being the rich boy he is, he went all out. He has five star course meal, a DJ, entertainers and everything else that would make a great party. Not to mention, he also made Red and her girls personally make a dress for me.
They added special touches that Daniel would obviously enjoy----it was short, it's his favorite color blue, and it showed a lot of my back.

I couldn't really refuse to wear it or else he would throw a fit about it, and I did enjoy all the attention he was giving me just because of this dress. He has been by my side for most of the time, just putting his hand on my back and rubbing it.

Taylor would occasionally slap his hand and pull me away from him just so we could hang out and have some fun with Ethan.
Daniel makes a sour look at her when she did it and walks away towards his friends.
"That little pervert, why is he so touchy with you nowadays?"

Ethan gasps and puts his hand by his mouth and smiles. "Oh my god....."
Taylor's eyes widen like she understood what Ethan was saying.
She approaches me while putting her hands on my shoulders and whispered, "Are you guys having sex??"
I flinch at what she said and scoff, "N-no! We haven't done anything.....yet......which is why I think he's being all touchy with me."

Ethan groans in disappointment, and Taylor shakes her head. "Man, I thought you guys already did it! You'd be the first one to actually have meaningful sex with the playboy of our school ya know."
I roll my eyes at them as they continue to bicker on about I should just do it already.
"Okay okay, maybe soon, alright? I'm not afraid to do it or whatever. And I am now ready for it----I just want to see how long Daniel would last for not having sex for a long time."

Ethan raises one of his eyebrows and smirks, "Ooo, that's a good game you're playing Amelia. But I bet you'll do it tonight."
"What? No Amelia would probably do it in a few months." Chimes Taylor.

"Woah woah woah, instead of talking about my sex life, why don't we talk about Ethan's."
Taylor spins her head at Ethan who tenses up when I mentioned Ethan's sex life.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot you were trying to get at that one cute junior, Lyle. Damn, if he wasn't gay I would totally go for him."
Ethan frowns at Taylor and crosses his arms.

"Don't say that....." He mutters under his mouth. Taylor playfully nudges Ethan as they wave goodbye to me and walk away.
I walk across the living room, trying to walk past people but then feel a tug on my dress.
I look down and my face brightens up as I see the familiar cute face.


He gives me his signature cheesy smile as he leads me out of the dance floor.
Blake was super excited to hear that I was dating Daniel, but was upset that I quit being his maid.
I specifically remember him telling me it would be great be Daniel's maid and girlfriend.
And Daniel obviously had something dirty to say along with it.

Blake and I both sat by the nearby couch and looked at everyone dancing.
"So you're gonna go to college, Amelia?" Asks Blake.
"Yeah," I put my arm around his shoulder, "so is your big brother."

Blake leans over and rests his head on my side, and I start to pat him. I haven't been this close with him since before I quit being the Masterson's maid. Being somewhat distant from him felt very......weird.

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