Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Amelia's my girlfriend."

Arlene just suddenly barges in Rider's house like it was nothing, and she just found something out that she shouldn't know or else my freakin life is over. But Rider decides to help save the day, but not the way I expected him to do so.

Red stands there, realizing what she's done so she starts to back away slowly out of the house and runs away.

My mouth drops open but I close it on time before Arlene looks back at me with wide eyes.

"WHAT." She nearly yells out.

I was thinking the same thing she was, but I don't know why the hell Rider would ever say that.
He doesn't even blinks, he looked dead serious at both of us.
"Are you serious?" she asked. No, it doesn't even seem that believable.
"Wait, wait.....okay the freakin maid outfits. What the hell is that Rider."

Arlene's innocent act was going away, and I felt a little calmer because she didn't have to act fake in front of Rider. Rider noticed that too because he raises one of his eyebrows.

He then looks to the side, and I see a tint of red on the top of his cheeks. "Arlene.....I just have a thing for......maid outfits. I got it for Amelia to try on but you're here so...."

Arlene looks slowly at me, like she was jealous and I just look back at her, trying to play along with what he said. I'm not sure why but it made me feel a little good that Rider used that excuse on the maid outfits. Especially that girlfriend part, it made me blush.

Arlene face starts to soften up, and I start to worry.
"Are you only going out with Amelia because she's willing to do your weird little fetish? Well......I could replace her if she's so embarrassed about it."

Rider's mouth slightly opens, because he had nothing to say to what she responded back. She's acting all innocent again. I stand behind Arlene and just shake my head "no" at Rider.
"Arlene," he starts, "you can't do that. Amelia likes me, and I like her back so if you were to put on the maid outfit, I'm not going to change my mind about my current relationship. So would you excuse us----"

"If you're really going out, then prove it to me."

Rider sighs loudly and looks at my direction. "I love you, Amelia."
My heart starts to beat faster, but I played along with him.
Arlene now faces me, "I love you too, Daniel."
That got to Arlene, because she bit her lip while frowning at me.

"That doesn't prove anything, why don't you go up to Rider and kiss him, Amelia? Do it, right here right now."

Arlene smirks, because at this point she knew this wasn't all true. Rider stood still because he wasn't sure if he should do this or not like me........but I had to do this to make it seem at least somewhat believable.

So, I deviously smile at Arlene who's smirk starts to fade away as I walk right past her, stare at Rider while biting my lip. I lean in close to him and grab his face and pulled him close to mine. And at that point, he knew he had to play along too, so he harshly pulled my hips against his body and placed his lips against mine.

That caught me by surprise, because he was kinda forceful when he pulled me towards him. I could actually feel my heart beating extremely fast........or was that's Rider's chest?

My hands roams his hair as he starts to rub my back and pull me in even closer. This sensation I was feeling, goosebumps were on my arms and I felt so.....I just felt like I wanted more of this.
I opened one eye and looked at Arlene who just stood there shocked and upset. Her mouth starts to quiver, but before she left the house she made an angry look at me.

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