Chapter: 9

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Chapter 9:


What happened the other day had me thinking, why did Taylor answer the phone? I kept up making up reasons like maybe Arlene was her cousin, or maybe that Nathan had the wrong number. None of this makes any sense. I didn't bring up the picture I saw in Rider's room because I know he would throw a fit. And I'm kinda too scared to ask Blake about it, though I doubt he knows anything about her.

I walk into the classroom and sat down in my usual seat. I rest my head on my desk because all the thinking made my head hurt. I felt a poke on my head. I put my head to the side and stare at Taylor. She sat down on the desk in front of me and lays her head beside mine. "So...." she started, "can I see your new phone?" I look at her in confusion and then I remember. "I don't have a new phone." I say bluntly. Taylor raises one of her eyebrows, "then why'd you call me? It wasn't the house phone from home..."

I started panicking and tried to make up an excuse, "w-well, I was trying to call my mom but I ended up calling you somehow, and--" "Oh! I see, I understand now. You could've just said that instead of hanging up on me so quick."

I sigh and smile at her as we both raised our heads. Nathan walks up to us and sits on the seat across from me, "Mornin' guys." Taylor stared at him with a frown, and said 'good morning' like she didn't care. Nathan turns to look at me and I shrug, not knowing why she said it like that. He gets up from his seat and leans over my shoulder. "What's up with her?" He asks. "Don't know." I whispered, "she was just talking to me normally until you walked in I guess." He nods his head slowly and sits back down on his seat.


Rider told me this morning that I had to pick up Blake after school because he was going to a football game. I started arguing with him and asking why he'd go to a game instead of being with his brother but responded back, "Blake wanted to hang out with you." Rider look furious when he said that so I just agreed with what he said.

I waited outside the elementary school Blake goes to until I hear someone yell out my name. I turn around and see Nathan running towards me. As soon as he caught up to me, he leaned on the bike racks and looked at me. "What're you doing here?" "I was just gonna ask you that same thing." I responded back. "Rider told me to pick up Blake after school and to hang out with him, and you?" Nathan looks past my shoulders and smiles as he sees a little girl running towards him with her arms stretched open. "Nate!"

Nathan grabs her and lifts her up in the air and carried her. "Amelia, I'd like you to meet my little sister, Natalie. She's the same age as Blake." He leans over towards me and whispers in my ear, "Step-sister to be exact." He said. I shift my head to the side and stare at her. She had beautiful blonde hair that rested on her shoulders and green eyes, like Nathan. She started to stare at me back and pointed at me, "Is that your girlfriend?" I glance at Nathan and wait for his response. He chuckles and puts her down, "no, Natalie, she's just a...friend of mine." I smile at Natalie so I didn't make it awkward. I felt a tug on my shirt and look down.

"Blake!" He gives me a toothy smile and hugs me. But then his smile fades away once he looked down and saw Natalie right in front of him. "Y-you you...." He stammered, "you're the girl who stole my candy!!" Natalie look shocked and shook her head angrily, "Nuh-Uh! You stole my candy!" Blake looked helplessly at me but then looked back at Natalie and started rolling up his sleeves. "Liar! Rider told me what to do to liars!" Blake walked towards the little girl with fear in her eyes as he raised his fist in the air.

Realizing what he was about to do, I pulled him back harshly. "Blake!" I yelled. "You don't hit girls!!" He gives me a confused look and points at Natalie. "B-but, she stole my candy! I saw her!" I shake my head in disappointment and and rest my head in my hands. "Blake, maybe it--"

"Natalie!" I look up and see the girl struggling to get the Hershey bar from Nathan's hands. "Give it back!" She screamed. Blake eyes widened and grabs my hand, "See! See! She did take it, that's mine!" Nathan looks at me and smirks, "Natalie, is this chocolate bar, not, yours?" "It's not mine!" She screamed. Nathan tosses the Hershey bar at me, "thought so." He said. Natalie looks both at me and Nathan, "n-no! It is mine! I-I...."

Natalie's eyes start to tear up and she covers her face with her small hands.

I poke Blake and hand him his chocolate bar. I poke Blake again and direct my eyes towards Natalie. Blake hesitated for a moment, but then walks up to her and touches her shoulder. He opened the Hershey bar and breaks it in half. He hands one half to her, "if you wanted some, you could have just asked," he said quietly. Natalie stared at Blake with her eyes still teary, but instead of taking the half of the chocolate bar, she wraps her arms around Blake's neck. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She said while crying again.

Blake stops and looks at me telling me what to do with his worried face on. I signal him to put his arms around her. He mouthed "no!" until I gave him a stern look and he immediately hugged her back. "'s ok Natalie." I cover my mouth with my hand and looked away from the cuteness that was standing right in front of me. Nathan stared at Blake for a moment until he pulled Natalie and him apart. "Okay then...." He said, "I guess we'll be heading home, and--" "Can I play with Blake for a bit?"

Natalie stares at Nathan for a bit with her big green eyes and persuaded him to let her play with Blake at the park.

We sat down on the bench as we watched the kids play. Nathan had his hands on his face, "I could never say no to her, I seriously don't know how she does it." I give a little laugh and lean back and look at the sky. "There's no football game today, right?" Nathan immediately looks at me in shock but then he relaxes his face, "how'd you know?" I sigh and close my eyes, "I'm not stupid you know. I'm not the type of person to go out to see games we have at school but I know when we have them which is not today."

Nathan sighs and looks at the sky with me, "to tell you the truth, I don't know what he's doing." I open my eyes again, "When he told me to pick up Blake, he kept looking over my shoulder. And once he left, I saw him leave with Kira Jennings." Nathan made a sour face, "ugh, that Kira..." I smile a little and look at his direction, and he does the same as well. We stare at each other for a moment and he's says my name, "Amelia..." My eyes widened and I got up quickly. "Um, I gotta go. It's getting late." Nathan clears his throat and stands up as well. "Well, uh, I could walk you home--" "no it's fine, the house isn't that far from here." I interrupted.

I call Blake's name as he came down the slide and starts running towards me. He says his goodbyes to Natalie and Nathan. Right when Blake and I start walking, I glance over my shoulder and see that Nathan is still looking at me until Natalie tugs on his shirt and catches his attention. I started to walk faster and faster until I didn't see him. "Are you alright?" Blake gives me a worried look as I pat his head, "don't worry, I'm fine."

My head is spinning with confusion and thoughts of what just happened. I touch my face and it feels warm. I shake my head and keep on walking. As soon as me and Blake were about to cross the street, I see Rider getting out of a car and kissing a girl on the lips. I pull Blake over and walk the other way. I couldn't let Blake see what Rider was doing.

"Hey!" Rider starts walking towards us and takes Blake's hand. "Home is this way, dummy." Blake starts talking to him about his day and how he played with Natalie. Rider acts like nothing happened, which made my eye twitch. "So how was the game?" Rider quickly looks at me, then casually looks away while coughing as he responds, "it was cool, I guess. Although we lost but--" "who were we up against again?" Rider gives me a suspicious look and runs his hair with his hand, "That one school..."

I give a small laugh and started to walk away from Rider, "You know, Blake taught me what to do to someone who lies, but I'm not gonna do it now, because it's not worth it." I turn to the next corner and glance over at Rider, who stands still with his mouth slightly open and staring at me as I walk away.


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