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1.) San talked about 'them being locked'. Who's part of 'them'?

2.) Who are the actual patients?

3.) What the hell happened here?

4.) What are they doing to them?

5.) What can I do?

Hongjoong smiled and opened his diary, flipping through the pages until he found the questions he wanted San to answer.

"Okay, San, who else is part of the captured doctors you talked about?"

The other boy nodded, his face showing a serious expression as he thought:"A brunette named Song Mingi and a raven-haired named Choi Jongho, I am part of as well. That's all, every single one got killed or left before it happened."

Hongjoong quickly scribbled down a few words on the page, making sure to catch the answer in order to think about it later. His writing probably got unreadable but he really didn't care.

"Who are the actual patients?" San snorted. He seems like he wanted to hit Hongjoong for asking such a stupid question but he answered it. For now.  "Well, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Jung Wooyoung and Park Seonghwa. There were two others too, but they got killed, I think. I never saw them again after..." The brunette quietly asked:"After...?"

San smiled, he was shaking his head:"Nothing, next question please."

"What the hell happened here? Why...How did you guys got captured?! I thought the cells were locked and everything?"

San sighed and leaned back against the wall. The shift of the angel made the other notice something, he didn't discover before. And it made him really really worried.

San's whole body was covered with bruises and cuts, some of them already older and fading but some actually fresh and still bleeding a bit.

"San...why are you so bruised up?" Hongjoong kind of knew, but he still hoped San wouldn't confirm his thoughts.

"Wooyoung. I fought back and he didn't like it so he hit me. Every fucking time I don't obey him, he hurts me. I can't do anything but let him use my body as he pleases."

San looked exhausted, exhausted, and broken. His voice was just a faint whisper and tears were glittering in the pale moonlight falling through the small window.

Hongjoong just hugged him. He let the boy cry until his eyes were red and puffy and his throat raspy until San felt like he could finally breathe again. He sniffled as he leaned back a bit, not ready to leave the hug just yet.

"You don't have to tell me, Sannie. Really." The boy tried a smile and shook his head:"It's better if I tell you...I can't let you run into your own ruin with Seonghwa. He's always talking about you, you know?" "What?"

"The others and me...we are getting raped Hongjoong. Yeah, we try fighting back but in the end, we will get beaten up and raped. Sometimes they don't take care of our wounds as a punishment and they leave pretty bad scars...Seonghwa is the worst. Sure, Yeosang likes cutting letters or symbols in Jongho's skin or Yunho treats Mingi as a dog but...nobody is as worse as Seonghwa. He knows how to play with your mind, how to make you crave the sensations he makes you feel only to break you bit by bit. Please Hongjoong, leave as soon as possible. It's dangerous here."

The brunette let go of the other boy, his thoughts going wild. Seonghwa was evil? Wooyoung and Yeosang too? Did they rape the doctors? And he had to leave?

"But what about you and Jongho and Mingi? I can't leave you behind!" San just smiled sadly:"You have to. We are hurt, we wouldn't make it down the mountain in time. Besides, we were here for so long...I don't even know what a sunrise looks like nor how a children's laugh sounds. It's better if you leave us here, Joong. We are too broken to start a new life."

Hongjoong knew that he couldn't change San's mind. His personality has been torn apart and scattered into shards nobody ever could repair. He made his decision a long time ago, probably before he ever met him. And Hongjoong had to accept it, as cruel as it sounds.

So he nodded and stood up, taking his book and the pen to hide them in his coat again. "Alright, as I can't change your opinion, I'll leave Sannie. I'm sure that working with you and the others would've been so much fun... Farewell." He was still hesitant, should he really just leave them behind?

"Farewell Hongjoong." And San did something unexpected. He showed an honest smile.

Hongjoong carefully closed the door and placed the key on the opposite wall again. He needed to sneak back into his room again before someone would notice he was gone...

The brunette carefully walked down the dark hallway, not wasting time looking into the cells again. Everything went smoothly.

He took a relieved breath and closed the main door of the building, hurried walking past it...as he ran into something warm and firm. Hongjoong would've fallen to the ground if not for strong hands catching him.

"Oh my, look what I found. What were you doing out here, my Darling?"

And the next second, pain exploded in Hongjoong's head and everything went dark.

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Friendly reminder that this story has nothing to do with the actual idols ~

PS: I edited the pictures above the chapters, what do you think about them?

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