⛧ Special Chapter ⛧

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I'm sure some of you were curious how Seonghwa reacted as he found Hongjoong's body, no? Well, here we go ~


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As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt strange.

Seonghwa was confused. He didn't eat something wrong, nor did he feel sick. There was just...a feeling, a little warry thought in the back of his mind which was bothering him. It didn't stop him from moving or something, it just said that it was there.

But after a quick look to the small clock in his nightstand, the 'doctor' decided to move. He had nothing to do for today (he had never), so he thought about eating lunch and maybe spending some time with sweet little Hongjoong in his cell.

As he thought of the younger, a devilish smirk appeared on his face. Oh, he'll make sure to enjoy his fime with the younger. He'd just play nice today, as a excuse for yesterday night when he was just stressed and used the younger cruelly. He did'nt want Hongjoong to shut him out, did he?

You may have noticed that Seonghwa enjoyed mind games a lot and even masterd the art if breaking someone completely.

The raven haired got up and walked to his wardrobe in order to change his clothes. He decided to wear tight black pants (to show of his long legs) and a lose crimson red shirt which accented his pale skin. On his neck, he wore a tight choker.

After a last glance to the mirror, Seonghwa opened the door of his sleeping chamber and stepped into the long corridor. He walked fast to reach the dinning room of this building in time. He wanted to spent his day with Hongjoong and needed a lot of energy, so why not enjoy breakfast?

Yeosang was already sitting at the old table and eating a almost raw steak. Seonghwa nodded as greeting and got himself some bread and bacon before he sat down. They ate in absolute silence, the only sounds were the scrapping of knives or forks at a plate or a glass being picked up and placed down.

"Are you going to play with Hongjoong?" Seonghwa was quite taken aback, Yeosang normally keeps quiet. But the raven haired nodded:"Planed on spending my day with him." "You sure like that toy of yours. Are you interested in sharing? I am curious about him."

Seonghwa just shook his head:"I won't share. I don't mind you playing with San or Mingi, if that's okay with their owners than so be it. But I won't let you get to close to my Darling, I know you Yeosang. As much as I love indulging in your plays, this won't happen with Hongjoong."

The petite blonde pouted:"You're mean. I'll just ask Yunho if he's interested...we could play with Jongho. He's quite rebellious these days, it wouldn't be bad if we'd teach him some manners."

"Go easy or he won't be able to fuck you later, threatened or not." Yeosang just waved it off, already back to eating his steak.

Seonghwa finished and stood up, he couldn't wait to see his Darling.

The sky was grey and cloudy as he got out of the building, a strong wind was shaking the trees and some lonely raindrops were already falling down.

Faint thunder growled as Seonghwa approached the door which led to the cells they kept their prisoners in. Some high pitched whimpers were heard as he walked slowly down the hallway, Wooyoung was probably already here to play with poor Sannie.

Seonghwa smirked as he got the keys to Hongjoong's cell, he slowly opened the heavy iron door.

"My Darling, did you miss me?"

No answer.

"My Darling?"

Still no answer.

Seonghwa was slightly worried as he stepped into the cell. Did Hongjoong catch a fever? Had he been to rough yesterday? His gaze waved through the room in front of him, was stuck at a figure at the window.


It was indeed Hongjoong. The brunette was smiling, his eyes were closed and line was tied around his neck, holding him in place. His feet were dangling above the floor, a small stool was laying a few steps away from him.

No. No, that couldn't be.

"My Darling?!" Seonghwa sounded panicked, he was panicked. With fast steps he made his way to the window, his hands reaching for the liveless body. Hongjoong was cold and stiff, his limbs hanging down heavily.

Seonghwa slowly took him down, the line left a thick red mark at his neck. The raven haired sat down, holding the body close. "Hongjoong? Wake up." Something wet was running down his cheek and falling from his chin, clear drops landing on the brunette's face.

"Hongjoong. Wake up!! I demand you to wake up!!!" He pulled the boy close, burying his nose in soft brown curls. His lovely scent wasn't completely gone, Seonghwa could still catch a faint fragrance of pomegranate.

"Wake up, please!" His voice broke. He knew what happened at night, what Hongjoong had done. He knew it, but he didn't want to believe it.

He didn't want to. Because that would mean he accepted that he lost something special. Sure, Seonghwa was sick, there was no denying. His mind was twisted and cruel like the devil's but he somehow grew a soft spot for Hongjoong. Or something which could be called a soft spot.

He treasured the boy. The brunette was precious to Seonghwa.

And now Hongjoong was gone. And it was all Seonghwa's fault.

The raven haired spend hours sitting on the cold floor, with salty liquid streaming down his cheeks, holding the brunette's body close. And in these hours of loneliness and sorrow, he made a decision.

"Don't worry, I'll follow you soon. Just wait a little bit, will you my Darling? Just a little bit."

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Oookay that was it. I hope you liked the Special!!

I was glad someone asked me to write it since I can't get Hala Hala out of my mind. But that's probably 'cause it's the first english story I ever ever completed.


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