Chapter 23

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"Who wants to control the music?" Karl asked, "Except for you, Nick, we don't want to listen to rap." Nick sighed in disappointment. "I will!" Clay said and connected his phone to the car. "Any wishes?" Clay asked. When no one answered he sighed and put his playlist on shuffle.

'I was born in a messed up century,'

The song started and Clay started singing the lyrics, Nick joining in shortly after. George had never noticed how hot Clay looked as he sang, he had never paid any mind to it. Wait what? Wait no, he was his boyfriend, he was allowed to think that.

"Get out, losers, we're going shopping!" Karl yelled and turned off his car. George chuckled and got out of the car, dragging Clay behind him. "You know we have to split up when we are buying the stuff, honey." Clay said and pulled George into a hug from behind. George turned himself around and as Clay thought, he was pouting. "Come on, George, we'll see each other in a bit!" Clay said as he played with the shorters hair.
"Alright then, I'm leaving." George said and removed Clay's arms from him.

"Who did you get?" George asked as he found Karl searching for sweaters in the men's section in urban outfitters. "I got Nick," Karl answered and took out one sweater, looked at it then put it back. "Really?! I've got Clay!" George said in disbelief. "Okay! We should just look together!" Karl said and took out another sweater, but instead of putting it back he put it on the top of a pile of clothing he held on his hand.

A few hours passed and the four boys finally finished their shopping. "Clay, we're heading back to the car so if you want to come with us home, then you have to hurry up!" George said to Clay across the phone. "Are you with Nick?" Karl screamed from beside George. "He says yes, Karl. Well hurry up then! Bye!" George hung up and put his phone in his back pocket. "They're on their way," George announced and put his bags in the trunk and got into the passenger seat.

"Hey," Clay threw his bag into the backseat and crawled into the car. "Wassup, bitches?" Nick said as he got into the car and closed the door after him. "Put your seatbelts on!" Karl said as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "I'll do the music!" George said and connected his phone, starting a familiar tune.

'All I am is a man, I want the world in my hands,'

"I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand!" George and Karl scream sang the lyrics as they made their way home. Clay and Nick sat in the backseat admiring their bottoms, no, boyfriends as they were enjoying themselves in the front seat. 

"Here you go, beautiful," Clay said as he opened George's door for him and helped him inside with his bags. "Why don't we do that?" Karl asked Nick. "I don't know, I'm lazy." Nick answered and walked up to the front door and waited for Karl to open it. Once Karl had opened the door they got inside and all put their bags on the dining table.

"We all take a seat and then the one who's first letter of the alphabet gives their stuff first." Karl organised and told the rest. "Okay, Clay? You're up first." George said and sat down. Clay nodded and put his bag on the floor. "So," Clay started as the others also put their bags on the floor, "I got..."

Word count: 614

Always fun when your mom bailed on you cuz she didn't take her medicine :*  shorter chapter cause I didn't bother, also this chapter is shit I speedran it just hope the next one'll be better.  I'm taking writing classes every Friday at school at 8.10 but I have to write in Icelandic so my story sucks and I forgot that my teacher reads it so I've just made a dnf fanfic oops she said that something needs to happen soon so maybe I'll just put this story in and she'll be happy idk. I have been listening to cigarettes after sex a lot recently and been playing apocalypse on repeat, nothing unusual for me, like on Christmas break I only listened to heatwaves for three weeks straight.

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