chapter 12

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                            [Bella] :                   

                            I stepped out of the bathroom with wet drips dropping from every part of my body. I walked to my wardrobe inside the empty room to grab a night pajama.

                            My hands grasped my underwear and bra as I put them on while looking at the mirror. I was not worried about someone coming in. Because in this time Harry would not come. I wish I can know where he goes and disappeare till midnight.

                            My hands roamed over the sweet farbic of my red bra. Nobody sees me in my underwear but I still wear the finest kinds of underwear. I have aways liked the idea of seeing myself sexy rather than anyone. I believed in the saying that I should love myself and everything about me before people start to love me. I should take every opportunity to love myself. And I have always applied it.

                            I turned around and started wearing my pajama quickly suddenly having the feeling of being attacked or someome is coming. I never have wrong feeling and just when I finished wearing my clothes someone opened the door. I flinched away at the sight of Harry at the front door.

                            He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously as he slowly closed the door behind him. I senselessly backed away feeling the normal frightful feeling that I do not know where does it come from. It just got built in my stomach once I see Harry with the signs of anger on his face.

                            “What were you doing ?” He asked. His words sounded slower and thicker than usual. They were loaded with grumpiness and irritation. I immediately rose my hands up in a defensive manner but I felt defenseless infront of him.

                            “I swear —I was not doing anything. I just got out of the bathroom and was wearing my clothes. That's it.” I rushed the words out of my mouth frightfully. Maybe I just did not want to argue with him over the smallest amd triviallest stuff. Or maybe I did not like the sight of him angry at me. I really could not decide what I hate the most about all this thing.

                            “Why are you scared then ?” He raised an eyebrow skeptically and I gulped. Counting to ten in my mind before I straighten my postures in attempt to sound confident and unafraid of him or his resentment.

                            “Because —Because. . . Because you came in suddenly.” I said. Looking away from his raged eyes and intense gaze. His gaze has always been harsh on me and somehow influential.

                            After few seconds I saw him nodding his head slightly. I let out a small sigh of relief as I sit on my bed bringing the book Harry gave me to continue it since I should have given it back to him since few days.

                            I heard my drawer being opened and I snapped my eyes toward Harry who was searching between my things. I quickly stood from the bed leaving the book away as I walk to him.

                            “Hey, Why are you playing with my things ?” I asked irritated. He slowly looked at me before looking behind him then return his gaze to me again.

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