Beautiful Mornin in Texas

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Hey guys so basically in this story you are called y/n. The other characters are Unspeakable/Nathan, James, Gabe/Gabriel, Cedrick, and Jordan. It starts of when you are just starting High school. Enjoy!

Your POV
"Ah fresh air" I say, as I walk on to my balcony. I look at our neighbor's house. We had just gotten off our plane and settled into the place, last night. It was morning by now. I listened to Oh What A Beautiful Morning on the balcony and went back into my room. I had decided that before school I would meet the neighbors. So well... here I am. I went back to my room. I put on a comfortable T-shirt and some jeans. I go downstairs and see my mom making BEKFAST. Yeah I know I am a moose fan. Aren't we all? Well I am more of an unspeakable fan, but whatever! My mom sees me leaving. "Where are you going young lady without your breakfast", she said. "I am going to introduce myself to the neighbors, mom, can't you just respect that", I ask with puppy eyes. She sighs and replies "Be back in ten minutes", and with that I am off to meet my neighbors.

Gabe's POV
I jump when I fell a pain in my stomach. I open my eyes and see Nathan punching me in the gut. It hurt sooooo bad! "Ow, Nathan stop!!!", I yell. But guess what, HE DOESN'T STOP!!! "NATHAN STOP", I hear a noise behind me yell. It's James. Since when was he here?, my mind asks. Nathan stops when he here's the doorbell. His parents were not awake yet and it was my turn to answer the door. I get up and Nathan does not realize it is my turn. I walk down the stairs and he pushed right past me!!! Causing me to fall. He opens the door and my ankle twists. "OWWWW!!!!!!!!!", I yell at the top of my lungs. I hit my head on the cold tile floor. Everything blurs. Why does this happen to me? Of all people!

Your POV
Ai knock on my neighbor's door. A boy my age opens it. Before he can say anything I hear a thud, then I hear "OWWWW!!!!!!!!!", from another boy my age inside the house. The boy who opened the door ran inside leaving the door open. Finally I can see inside! I see the boy who opened the door, a boy on the floor, maybe knocked out? And another boy rushing down the stairs trying to help the boy who fell. It was strange how they were all my age! It looks like the boy who fell was really injured. I asked if he was okay. The boy that ran down the stairs said "Oh yeah he is fine, um sorry that we did not introduce ourselves, I am James, the boy who opened the door was Nathan, and the one on the floor is Gabe.", he says as slow as a snail running a marathon. "You sure Gabe is all right?", I ask, "He doesn't seem very good." "Um maybe not"., he says then immediately changes the subject. "So are you the new neighbor?". I say yes then I leave. I got their phone numbers! You know they look awfully familiar. Wait Nathan, Unspeakable. Gabe, Gabriel. James, I got nothing. But they are the unspeakable gang. I mean what is the coincidence.

Jordan POV
I sit at my desk. It is only me and Cedrick. We are always in detention. The school bell rings. Yes, finally. "Bye Ms. Quake", I say. You know her name is a coincidence, she teaches science. And her name is quake. Earth-quake. I get to Math class. What James isn't here? He is always first! I decide to text him.

Jo - Jordan
Ja - James
N - Nathan
G - Gabe

Jo Hey guys! Why are you not in school yet? I know James would rush you.

Oh, we are leaving now! Ja

Jo Why did Gabe not text first, I mean he always does! Is something wrong?

No, nothing is wrong. N

Nathan, tell him! Ja

Gabe hit his head on the tile, and now he is
unconscious and it is all my fault! N

Well that explained everything, I asked them if they were making it to class ad they aid no. It is just me and Cedrick today, then, I guess.

Chapter one
Word count 733

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