Oh no!

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I wake up. Someone clearly staring at me. It was dark. I reach for my phone, then I realize my hands were tied together behind a chair. I can make out the figure of Jordan. "So this is a kidnapping?", I ask sarcastically, knowing it was all just a joke. "You caught me, but we are here by the way!", he said. Jordan turns the lights on. He unties my hands. And grabs my arm once again and brings me up the stairs (that just happen to be there at the perfect times). "Where are we goi-", I get cut off by a scream. Jordan pulls my arm towards the source of the scream. My body launches towards him. We avoid colliding, but just enough that I still went flying (bringing Jordan along with me). We go flying towards a door. It opens and we land right on top of whoever opened the door. I get off the pile. So does Jordan. I see Gabe laying on top of James. Gabe was knocked out, and James had a bruise on his arm (the size of Gabe's head). James immediately gets up and carries Gabe down the stairs. "Welp, I guess we missed our chance.", I say. "That was not why I bought you here. I wanted to tell you a story.", he said. I nodded meaning to continue. "There was two young boys named Gabe and Jordan. They loved to play sports and Minecraft together. They grew up with brilliant parents and amazing friends. They were closer than anyone, until high school. Gabe had amazing grades, but Jordan had horrible ones. Gabe was supposed to go to an amazing high school, but his friendship with Jordan kept him from going. He instead attended the same high school as Jordan and was a straight a student. Jordan was a straight b+ student. His parents tried hard to help him, but he just wasn't good. Gabe tried helping Jordan, and to everyone's surprise Jordan did better. But after that Gabe fell. I know he fell earlier. But he fell again, not nearly as bad, but bad enough that they did not see each other for a week. Jordan missed Gabe. The next day Jordan returned to school. He saw Gabe and ran up to him. The boy turned around. It was not Gabe, but instead his younger brother Sam (Samuel). They looked identical except for their eye color. One brown (Gabe's) and one blue (Sam's). Sam told Jordan that Gabe had changed schools. Gabe and Jordan are still close, but are slowly drifting apart.", Jordan said. A tear ran down his face. I give him a short hug. "I - I'm so sorry", I say, letting a tear fall down my cheek. "Don't worry. As long as Gabe is alright Jordan is alright.", Jordan says.

I am going to cry! Has an author ever make themselves cry? This is my first story! How is it so sad? Anyway this was part 1! Part two is in 3



Preston's POV
It was the day before Easter! I couldn't wait for Christ to rise! More like I am moving in with James! Since I am Jewish, we all celebrated Passover a couple days ago! James Gabe me a present! This was it:

Dear Preston,

I couldn't afford anything nice for you (more like I am under 18 and can't get any presents for you). But, because of your troubles I have given you the gift to completely move in at any time without asking!

From, James

I was going to move in tomorrow! I packed all my bags and got ready for tomorrow. I get a text from James.

J Hey, Preston. Meet me at the Starbucks.

The coffee shop was only three blocks away. I text back 👌. I grab my wallet and keys and put on my shoes. My mom and dad were at their job, as usual. I run out the door and lock it. I run over to Starbucks and find James standing there. "Hi James", I call out only about two feet away from him. He turns to me. "Hi Preston", James mumbles. James looks down at the ground and for some reason looks sad. "Why are you sad", I say. "G - Gabe.", just then I get a text.

Y Preston come over. It is an emergency!

P Come over where? What is the emergency?

Y My house. I will explain there.

I start running towards her house. But James stops me. "Where are you going?", he asks. "Y/N's house", I reply. "Can I come?", he says. I nod my head. I keep running, with James following me. There was a lot of cars. But only one caught my eye. I saw a teenager a year younger than me. Wearing a backwards hat. He looked like someone I knew. I looked harder and don't pay attention to the sidewalk. I run into someone. I realize it was Moose. I don't think much of it. I turn around and see James. He was giving me the "questioning" look. I nod my head knowing he was trying to follow the car. He leaves and so does the cop car. Then I see it. How?

Moose's POV
I get a text. What a beautiful way to ruin a silent morning. It was from Y/N.

Y Come to my place fast!

I replied by simply saying "okay". I run over to her house. Only taking my phone and keys. Speaking of keys, I realize I didn't lock my door. I run back home. I lock the door. I run back to where I was and realize there was a sign on the a building that had just been built. It read:

That was sick! Gabe, Jordan, and I love sports! I get to the end of the sidewalk

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That was sick! Gabe, Jordan, and I love sports! I get to the end of the sidewalk. And when I look at the street I see it.

James's POV
I keep following the cop car. I see it stop. I stop. One man gets out. I wait and watch. The man runs. I follow. The cop stops at a street. He was looking at something. I follow his gaze. Then I see it. Po -

 Po -

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