Senior Year (Part 2)

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Your POV
If we were going to survive we needed James or at least his parents. The only people up were us though. I jump on to the counter. Gabe's knee is still hurt though so it was hard for him to make his way on to the counter. He goes to the bathroom. Leaving me all alone. I waited a couple of minutes. When he came back I was so relieved I nearly fell of the counter. He was holding a spray that killed snakes. I didn't realize they had a snake spray. If we were making it to senior year, then he needed to know how to work it! He places it on the ground. He quickly ties a rope to the spray trigger. He jumps on to the counter. Holding the other side of the rope in his hand. The snake comes closer and closer to the spray bottle. After two minutes the snake was just barely touching the bottle. Gabe pulled the trigger. I wasn't sure if the snake had died or not. But, from the look in Gabe's eyes he knew it hadn't died. He pulled the trigger over and over again. It was no use!!! We were goners! I hear multiple screams. The snakes head turns. Well maybe we aren't goners. But, James sure was. "NOT, block them out for eternity", I hear a voice that is familiar say. Wait PrestonPlayz? Here? What!?! Keep your cool Y/N. Keep your cool. I hear a whimper. I go back to reality. The snake was super close to Gabe. I look at Gabe and then the snake. "Gabe watch out..." I whisper just in the Knick of time. The snake lunges at Gabe. Gabe moves out of the way. The snakes hits right into the wall. "I hope it's dead..." I whisper. Gabe shakes his head, "probably not..." he replied in the softest whisper ever. The snake comes back and lunges at Gabe again! Do snakes and Gabriels not get along? Well, I guess not.

Snake's POV!?!
Dinner. Dinner. Lunch. Breakfast. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. DINNER. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. "Gabe watch out...". Gabe? Dinner? Gabe... Dinner. Gabe is DINNER. MUST... EAT... GABE!

Gabe's POV
I officially hate snakes! This snake won't stop going for me. Am I going to die? I hope not! It goes for me again! I dodge it. It hits right into the wall, face first.  "I hope it's dead..." I hear Y/N whisper. I shake my head, "probably not..." I say as softly as I could. The snake lunges at me again. I hear someone walk in. The snake stops dead in its tracks. Good. I turn my head slightly. James walked in. "James... help... us..." I whisper loud enough for him to hear. He sees the snake and goes to get his parents. I feel someone hug me. Y/N. She hugs me when she is nervous. I don't know why! She stops hugging me. The snake realizes James is gone. It continues to lunge at me. This time it's sharp teeth barely hit into my skin. It hurt so bad! Y/N realizes I am in pain. She looks at the tiny wound. Then I remembered science class...

—-flashback to science class—-

"Okay class, first question. Where is the venom of a snake kept.", Professor quake said.
I raise my hand.
"Um, Gabe.".
"In its teeth". I say.

—end of flashback—

"Oh-no", I said. "What?", Y/N said. Before I could answer, everything went dark. James come back fast, please!

James POV
I was running with my dad to the kitchen. When we arrived there, Gabe was unconscious. Y/N was freaked out. And the snake looked dead. My dad ran to Gabe. And I shook in fear. Gabe had a bite on his arm that looked like a snake bite. My dad picked him up and said "stay here and be good". He ran out to....... well..... who knows where. Probably a doctor. "Y/N, you okay?", I said. She nodded. Preston walked in and saw the snake. He screamed like a girl. "Dude, don't worry it is dead!", I say now realizing the snake was not breathing. "O - oh, hehe", Preston said.Y/N laughed. If she could laugh so could I. So I laughed. And when I say laughed I mean harder than ever. Everyone in the room got a text at the same time. We looked at our phones.

J - James
P - Preston
D - Dad
N - Nathan
G - Gabe
Y - You

D Guys are you at home?

J Yea dad, why?

D Can you tell your mom that she needs to wake up now?

P Don't worry James' dad I'll tell her.

D Thanks Preston.

P Your welcome.

N When is somebody going to delete my number off of this group call thing?


Preston goes to wake up my mom. I stop him and tell him to clean up the mess the snake made. He nods and starts cleaning. I go to my mom's room. She was on the bed staring at where my dad sleeps. She sees me. "Hi James. Where is your father?", she asked. I tell her the WHOLE story. "Is Gabe alright", she says almost as if Gabe is her son and not me. "I don't know yet. Dad texted me to wake you up.", I say telling her the absolute truth. "I will get up and make breakfast for everyone", she says. I exit the room. I go to the kitchen the only thing left on the floor is the snake. Preston picks it up and puts in the garbage. He immediately washes his hands.  My mom walks in and gets out some cereal. She gets out some bowls. And pours the cereal firs. The exact opposite of what you are supposed to do. We ate the cereal. Then we got our coats on and went to the address my dad sent my mom.

Chapter 2 Part 2
Word count 1000

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