Was it a dream?

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I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder. It was Nathan! How did he get in my room!?! "Nathan!!!", I pretty much yell. "Don't worry, your just dreaming". I wake up again. I pinch myself. I was awake. I see my cat on my shoulder. That is what was causing the tapping feeling. I go down for BEKFAST! I get a text.

D - dad
Y - you
N - Nathan

D quick cone to the hospital

Y okay

N okay

I run as fast as possible to the hospital. When I got there James' father was waiting. He took me to Gabe's room. When he opens the door, my eyes fill with tears. "Hi Y/N", Gabe said. I gave him a huge hug and said "hi Gabe". He was hooked to even more machines. But the worst part, he looked pail. "Is he okay", I ask James' father. He nods his head with a concerned face.
"You sure, you seem bit concerned.", I said as gently as possible. "Y/N can you follow me?", he says. I nod and follow him to the hallway. "So what's up", I say. "Um..... so the snake's poison is in Gabe's arm and it's not coming out.", James' dad said. I nod in disbelief. How? Poison is supposed to go through the body as fast as possible! And it is only in his arm? "Say...do... um...... do you have a crush on him?", he asked. Why would he ask that? I nod.

Nathan's POV
I wake up early. I go take a shower and get my unspeakable hoodie on. (www.unspeakable.com) I eat BEKFAST and leave. The drive is long and my destination I dread. I finally make it there. I see Y/N by him. She really doesn't like me! "Bye Gabe!", she says. I have been dreading this day for years. I just didn't think it would be at the hospital. I walk in.

Gabe's POV
Y/N leaves. I will miss her. Her and James' father are the only visitors. But then someone walks in. HE CARES! HE ACTUALLY CARES! "H - Hi Gabe", Nathan said. I make the biggest smile I have made in years. "Hi Nathan. I missed you.", I said. I couldn't believe he was here to say hi! "Look I am sorry for well... um... basically everything." And apologize! "Preston explained what it feels like to be in your shoes.", he said. I decided to joke around. Although I don't know who Preston is. " Probably tight for him", I say. He laughs. "Look I am sorry! I feel so bad!", he said, crying harder than the rain. "Woah Nathan, it is okay don't worry.", I say trying to calm him down. "Can we still be friends?", he asked. "Obviously", I reply with a big smile. He gives me a hug. It must have lasted ten minutes because the doctor came in (AGAIN)! He said goodbye. Then I felt a big sting. It felt like a bee sting , I looked to see what it was. The doctor. Boy, was his ointment painful! I close my eyes. Without realizing it, I fall asleep.

—Time skip— (one hour)

I feel a sudden pain in my stomach. I open my eyes. No Nathan in sight! Well, that is a first. I feel it again. I realize I am hungry. Then a nurse walks in. "Hello Mr. Gabe", she said. She was holding a tray. I couldn't see what was on it. "Hi", I say. "You hungry?", she asks. I nod my head. I was more than hungry, I was STARVING. "Here you go", she says. She hands me the tray. It had an apple, some oatmeal, and some yogurt. "Thanks", I say. She nods her head and leaves with a smile. I quickly eat the food. It was scrumcious. Nathan comes back with someone I have never met. His name was supposedly Preston. He seemed really nice. When Nathan had to go home and eat dinner, Preston stayed. "So how are you Gabe", he asked, with a small frown, as if something was wrong. "Fine. Why are you sad?", I asked him, although actually my arm hurt like it was on fire. Every now and then I would see if it was on fire (you could never be too safe). "Well, I heard what happened. I just want to know your injury. See if it is bad and all.", he answered. "Well I just hurt my head, that is it.", I answer. Then, all of a sudden, I fait.

Chapter: 4
Word Count: 761

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