chapter 8

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The ride home was extremely uncomfortable for me and I imagined it must have been the same for Andrew but for a completely different reason.

Andrew seemed to be driving rather slower than usual, for my benefit I assumed since I was dreading the fact that I would have to go home and face my mother, I wasn’t ready to accept the fact that she was right about David all and along and I was the one who need to apologize to her.

Sometimes it’s hard to accept that fact that someone else was right and you were wrong. Its even harder when you were so sure that they were wrong only to be proved that they were right all along.

My mother would remind me constantly that David was exactly what I thought he wasn’t and everything that he said he wouldn’t be. Not only would I have to deal with that but I’d have to deal with other things like the pain I was experiencing.

The closer we got to the house, the heavier the burden on my heart felt. Andrew kept glancing over at me with an unsure look on his face and his eyebrows scrunched up together, something he did whenever he was in deep thought.

“I think I’ve got a plan” he finally said “a way that you can avoid your mom” he had definitely caught my attention but I was almost sure that whatever scheme he was cokking up in his mind wouldn’t work. “wait before you say anything just here me out” I scoffed in my mind, ‘oh please’ I thought ,as if I could say something even if I wanted to.

“I know you don’t wanna face your mom so how about this. I go in through the front door and distract her and you can sneak in through the backdoor. Hurry upstairs then slam your bedroom door really hard and lock it.

I’ll tell her that you’re pissed that she said you had to come home early because you wanted to spend some more time with Josephine. Then I’ll tell her that it’s best if she just gives you some space and the night to cool off.

See that way you won’t have to face your mom and no one will bother you for the rest of the night. Sounds good?”

I thought about his plan for a while. It was actually much smarter than whatever I thought he was going to say, it sounded pretty good and after a while of me remaining silent he just took my silence as a yes.

As we pulled into the drive way he reminded me about the plan telling me not to screw it up or he wouldn’t be able to help me then made his way to the front door.

You know we thought the plan was flawless it was pretty simple how could anyone manage to mess it up. There was only one problem. Just one tiny thing that we left out of the equation.  My Dad.

When I saw my mom open the door to let in Andrew I took that as my queue and slowly made my way towards the back door.

I used my key then gently pushed it open. I was almost through the kitchen when I noticed my dad leaning on the door frame. Shit I thought, so close yet so far.

“Why are you sneaking in through the back door?”

“I’m not I managed to say” trying to sound calm and collected but instead my voice came out strained and barely even audible.

“What happened to your voice”

“Nothing“ I tried saying a little louder but my voice came out squeaky and high pitched and I just ended up cracking . I gave myself a mental face palm. Way to play it cool Kayli, real smooth.

“look at me kayli” My dad ordered in a stern manner. I had been avoiding his face and was simply staring at the ground this whole time. I flinched slightly at the sound of his voice but slowly looked up and faced him.

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