chapter 13

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I think sometimes life likes to play some seriously sick jokes on all of us. To others it might be amusing but for the person that the joke is being played on, it’s the furthest thing from amusing.

 Let’s take for example those TV show episodes. You know where they find a genie and they get three wishes and so they make a wish but the genie switches up the wish because they weren't "specific" enough.

Yea you know what I mean, that’s a perfect description of the situation I’m in right now.

"What the hell is this piece of shit" I said scowling at the crap in front of me.

"It’s your new car" Andrew said with the biggest smirk I've ever seen in my life.

I opened my mouth to say something but instead stood there unable to form a coherent sentence. By now Andrew's smirk wasn't even a smirk anymore it had grown into a big ass grin.

"Is this some sick kind of joke? I can't ride in that death doesn't even look like it can drive, that car belongs in a junk yard!"

"Hey hey hey don't speak about your baby like that" he pouted and patted the hood  of the car as if he was dealing with a toddler

"She's sorry girl she didn't mean that" 

"No way. No freaking way.... you guys are not serious." I spun on my heels and faced my parents "guys please tell me that this is a joke" I pleaded but my mom just gave me a sad look and my Dad  snickered followed by a cough that he tried to use to cover up the previous snicker when mom elbowed him.

For a second I just stood there waiting for the tv show guys with cameras to jump out of the bushes and yell "YOU'VE BEEN PRANKED" but they never came.

This is not happening I reassured myself, it’s just a bad dream so I squeezed my eyes shut and chanted over and over its just a dream, it’s just a bad dream, but when I opened my eyes the hideous monster was still there staring back at me boldly.

"You wanted a car, you got a car be grateful " Andrew and my father said snickering

"This is not funny” I cried in frustration

"But it is" this time my mom sneaked in a few chuckles with them, trying to be slick with it but she wasn’t! I saw her. 

"You better hurry love or you're gonna be late for school" my dad laughed handing me the car keys. He was clutching his stomach from all the laughing and Andrew was leaning against the wall to support his fit of laughter.

The flash of a camera brought my attention to my mother who was trying to control her laughter. She placed the camera behind her back innocently and pretended as if she didn't just take a picture of me in my misery.

"Good idea!" Andrew yelled pulling out his phone before snapping a few pictures himself.

"Hey send those to me!" My dad ordered Andrew "this is gonna look great on my instagram, I think I'll put the caption ‘love at first sight’ my daughter and her new baby“ 

This earned an even louder roar of laughter from Andrew. My mom wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she was laughing anymore.

This whole time I just stood there dumb founded , drenched in embarrassment and fury.

Before I knew what was happening my father pushed me into the driving seat and turned the key. The old car chortled briefly before grumbling to life earned a few more chuckles from my family.

After a few more pictures much to my dismay I was sent on my way.

My anxiety was at its highest point as the old thing creaked and sputtered all the way to school and I drove in constant fear of it breaking down with me at any moment.

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