chapter 3

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It’s been a week and Josephine and I have grown somewhat closer. Turns out that the days I have lunch with Abby and David she has a different lunch but the other days I get to spend lunch with her.

She’s a really nice person so down to earth and sweet. We’ve been texting every night, there’s just always something to talk about, maybe it’s because we just met and we have so much to tell but it’s so fun.

But your mom took your phone how have you guys been texting? Is what you should be asking if you’ve been paying attention. Get it together people what’s the point of reading about my life if you’re not going to remember the details.

Yes to answer my own question like I always do she tried to take my phone. Key word TRIED

*flash back*

“Kayli Its 10 o’clock”

“Yes that is what the clock is saying”

“And your phone isn’t in my room”

“No, no its not” I stared at the wall as if it were the most fascination wall in the entire word to avoid looking at her.

“I told you that you were supposed to bring it to me today”

“I know”

“Then why is it not in my room”

“Because I have it”

“I’m not in the mood to go around in circles with you so just give it to me”

“I’d rather not”

“Excuse me?”

“I said I’d rather not”

“It’s not an option, give it to me”

“But it’s not yours its mine. Why should I give it to you?”

“I am your mother; I am in charge of you”

“But you’re not in charge of my phone … its mine… I’m in charge of it”

“Give it to me”

“But you didn’t buy it so who gave you the authority to take it?”

“I was given the authority to tell you what to do after spending 18 hours in labor with you! I gave birth to you and I will order you around whether you like it or not!!” she yelled, she was fuming, her face was red and she balled her hands in a fist.

When I didn’t reply she walked around to my side of the bed and stood in front of me. She stretched out her hand then ordered me to give it to her again.

“I will not repeat myself ”

“Mom you forced me to break up with the one person I’ve ever cared about and now you want to take my phone? You’re being completely unfair” I got up off the bed and stood by my window

“And you’ve been acting way out of line! I understand that your upset about breaking up with that boy but it gives you no reason to be disrespectful to me and I will not tolerate it”

“I’m not a child, you can’t keep treating me like one!”

“I’ll treat you by your actions and recently you have been acting like a child”

“I’m 17 mom I’ll be 18 in a few months!”

“Give me the phone; I am not in the mood for your antics”

“I am not giving it to you!” I yelled

“What’s going on in here?” my dada asked walking in. He was just in time to see my mom slap the shit out of me. I stood there speechless, I didn’t know what to say nor do, I couldn’t move. I had never been slapped by my parents before in my enter life.

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