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"What are you doing tonight?" my friend asks while taking a bite of her sandwich

"Got any plans with lover boy?" this time she wiggled her eyebrows to put emphasis on the words lover boy. I chose to role my eyes like I always do whenever anything about "lover boy" came up . You see trying to convince Abby that I had no plans with "loverboy" was like trying to convince my parents why I should be getting a car for my eighteenth birthday

...... IT..... WAS..... POINT LESS....

I mean i could come up with a 73 page power point presentation , listing a million and one reasons and dad would still pull the "i didn't get my first car until i was 28 and your mom was pregnant card" and mom would pull the "if you come up with half the money we'll match the rest honey card" then my cousin would push his nose where it wasn't needed and pull the "I'm 24 and i just got my car why should you get yours at 18 card" ..... do you see where I'm going with this... exactly NOWHERE that is where we ended up each time NOWHERE I mean come on mom where the hell am I supposed to come up with half the money if you guys won't even allow me to get a job.

A few times in the past Abby had asked me what i was doing for the night and I told her nothing because I was genuinely planning on doing nothing! That is until "lover boy" shows up outside my house dragging me outside.....Literally ... dragging me outside...he had to drag me down the stairs and out the door on several occasions, the bruises on my head are enough proof.

Although now that I think about it, it was about the same time that i started acting funnier than usual. NAW who am I kidding that's all mom and dad those clumsy Betties probably dropped me as a baby.

So yea back to Abby needless to say after the 10th time of her having to find out about me going on dates when I claimed I had "nothing planned" from gossipers and interrogation of "lover boy" she stopped believing me when I claimed I had "nothing planned" but hey can you blame me , I really had "nothing planned" it was David( my boyfriend) who had made plans while leaving out the minor details of informing the other party each time.

"I don't have anything planned Abby" I said with the best poker face I could pull off to convince her that I wasn't lying.

"I'm not buying it" she said "I'll just have to wait until Monday when I have to hear from the tattle tales over there that my BEST FRIEND and Mr.loverboy got eloped in Vegas"

WHOOOOOOAAHHHHH WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY? ELOPED? The thought of David and I getting eloped had me choking on my soda and laughing at the same time. Not a good combination might I add

"what the hell!!" David cussed while sitting down beside me and placing his hand on my back patting it a few times until I was okay enough to talk

"Thanks for helping me Abby " I said squinting my eyes together

"Thanks for helping me Abby" she mimicked in a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like mine "you really should stop with the sarcasm isn't it a little out dated".

"if that was your impersonation of me you did a terrible job" I said with a scowl

"Naw I think she did a pretty good job in fact her pitch was just on point" David smirked causing Abby to chuckle . I kicked her under the table and elbowed him in his side.

"You guys are the worst friends ever" I mumbled while gathering my things. If I didn't hurry I would be late for fourth period and that was not something I wanted to be.

"Is that how you show your appreciation to someone who just helped you" replied Abby

"you better shut that smart mouth of yours before I put my foot in it" I threatened while getting up from the table
"see you guys later " I waved but I didn't even make it a foot from the table before David was beside me .

"I'll walk with you to class; I wouldn't want you to get lost"

"I've been attending this school for 3 and a half years and you think I'll get lost? Boy please you just wanted to spend extra time with me" I smiled

"Ya right whatever" he said rolling his eyes

"Boys don't roll their eyes David"

"And girls don't complain about their devilishly handsome boyfriend walking with them to class. If anything you should be thanking me" I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace hoping to get away from him but instead he grabbed my hand and pushed me against a locker. Blocking me with his body he pinned my hands above my head and lowered his to my face.

"Tell me you don't want me to walk you to class and I'll leave you alone right now" he said bringing his lips to my ear. I could feel his warm breath tickling my skin. Was it getting hot in here or was it just me I thought as a bead of sweat ran down my forehead.

Instead of answering his question I chose to roll my eyes then proceed to bring my lips up to meet his but instead he moved his head to the side causing me to kiss his cheek .

"Ah ah ah that's not how it goes pumpkin tell me what you want "

I huffed then finally answered his question "Yes David I want you to walk me to class" I said flatly .

"And do you want me to kiss you?"

"No dumbass that's why I tried before"

"Keep using that smart mouth of yours and see where it gets you" I sighed, then using the same tone as before replied

"Yes David I want you to kiss me"

"That's too bad because I have to get to class, what the hell were u thinking trying to start a make out session when you know I don't like being late for class" he smirked, dropped my hands then walked away "See you after school pumpkin " he shouted over his shoulder . Leaving me dumbfounded, there I was leaning against the locker with my mouth hanging open as my brain cells worked rapidly trying to comprehend what the hell just took place. After 2 years and 7 months of dating David, he still managed to surprise me , irritate me and leave me speechless.


so this is a new story that i will be starting soon just a little preview I hope you guys like it please vote comment and follow. I have not edited this story so if there are errors please avoid them for the time being.

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