chapter 24

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"Why don't we pack a few of your things and have you come stay with me for a while" I suggested once the sun rays began peeking through the curtains.

"No thanks" She whispered as an involuntary yawn escaped her mouth.

"The way I see it you have two options. 1. You come stay at my place or 2. I stay here. But I'm not leaving you alone Ariel" I stated with authority in my voice.

After a few minutes of going back and forth she finally complied and put together what few clothes she had in a bag and we headed back to my house.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" My husband comes storming out of the house as soon as we pull up into the drive way in only his pajama bottom and a robe.

"I was so worried about you!" he pulls me into his arms

"I'm sorry" I finally say once he slackens his grip around me "I had a bit of an emergency and I didn't want to wake you up"

"You could have left a note or something Kayli, Christ! I was so worried" he cries while placing a kiss on my forehead

"Oh who's this" he asks gesturing to a very uncomfortable looking Ariel

"This is Ariel" I say motioning for her to come around

"Ariel this is my husband Roy" I introduce the two and he shakes her hand

"Let's go inside first guys and I'll explain everything" I suggest as my stomach begins to rumble

As soon as we enter the house I head straight for the stove and begin preparing some breakfast.

"Do you like pancakes Ariel?!" I yell from the stove

"uh yea" she replies softly from the sofa.

"So gonna explain?" Roy asks while leaning against the kitchen island

"Yea so she's a apart of the self-love program and she's going through some things and Roy I couldn't bear to leave her at her home all by herself. So I thought it would be great if she stayed here"

"Alrite well I'll go show her to her room and give her a little tour of the house"

"Thanks babe" I turn and plant a quick peck on his lips then head back to making breakfast.

Breakfast at the table with the three of us was a tad bit awkward and silent. I kept trying to start up conversations with Ariel but she was in her own little world and showed no interest in trying to converse with me so eventually I gave up and focused on finishing my meal.

As soon as we were done at the table she retreated back to her room immediately only stopping to utter a small thank you.

"It's like she doesn't want to interact with us any at all" I frowned at my husband once we were back in our bedroom.

"Honey just give her some space and time. I don't know what she's going through but it must be hard. She'll come around eventually" he says trying to comfort me

"Yea" I agreed

"How about I do all the grocery shopping today and you just rest. You look extremely tired." He suggested

"I don't trust you to go grocery shopping by yourself" I eyed him suspiciously

"I feel offended" he mocked pretending to be hurt

"Oh but do you remember what happened last time I sent you grocery shopping alone?" I raised my eyebrow

"Point taken" he said plopping down on the bed

"I'll go ask Ariel if she wants to come with me" I announced heading towards the guest bedroom

"Hey Ariel" I knocked "Can I come in?"

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