chapter 12

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Do you remember you remember earlier when i was telling you how pointless it was convincing my parents to buy me a car?

Well you get to see it full action today because for some strange reason I’ve taken it upon myself to beg them again. I use to ride home with David but obviously that’s not an option anymore, and I'm tired of making Abby late by having her come all the way over here to pick me up and drop me off.

Andrew gives me rides but as I said before i don't wanna bother him and make him late and my parents are anything but willing to drive me where I need to go. So it’s only fair that I receive a car now. Don't you think?

"Hey guys" I said joining my parents at the dinner table. They both exchange weird glances at each other before giving me  raised eyebrows.

"Why those weird looks? Am i not invited at my own dinner table?"

My dad being the dad that he was rolled him eyes at me. "Cut to the chase hunny what do you want?"

"Who said I wanted anything?" I argued, "Maybe i just want to spend some time with you guys"

"No you don't. You haven't had dinner with us in a month and you haven't even held a conversation this long with us in almost 2 months so obviously you want something "

My mom scowled at my dad “maybe we should just be grateful that she's here now" my mom said smiling at me. I smiled right back at her, pulling off the realest fake smile that I could (i was so not over them lying to me).

We proceeded to eat but five minutes into our awkward family dinner I felt like I was about to explode. My dad's facial expression mirrored mine and when he couldn't take it anymore he dropped his fork unto his plate with a loud clang.

"Ok spill it" he finally said giving me a hard glaze

"I want a car" I said bluntly cutting to the chase, going around in circles with my dad would get me nowhere.

“And i want to be a multimillionaire who owns his own island"

"Ow ow ow I want a new pair of shoes" my mom said joining in

And it begins

"I want a red sports car and a bigger house and I want to be debt free and I want to actually spend my money on something other than bills" my Dad added

"Daddddddd" I groaned

"Please dad I get good grades and I'm a good kid, I don't give any trouble and you guys know how responsible I am. I can't keep begging rides from Abby you know she doesn't live close by and I keep making her late for school and stuff and you guys never wanna give me rides." my mom's expression softened but my dad’s still remained neutral

"We can't afford that right now. You have college coming up and we need to put all our resources towards that you're just going to have to wait"

"Mom please" I said turning towards her, I'd  have a better chance of getting  her to crack, but she looked down at her plate to avoid me

"You guys are the worst parents ever” I whined liked a spoiled brat "I never ask you guys for anything at all!! And now I want this one thing you guys aren't willing to give it to me " I shook my head then got up from the table "thanks for nothing" I mumbled leaving the room, with my tears threatening to spill I ran up the stairs and into my room slamming the door hard behind me.

With everything that had been going on I noticed that I had become way more emotional than usual. I've had that talk a million times with my parents and not once have a cried after one, that is until now.

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