chapter 10

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“Girl I am tired of this now!” Abby complained

“Oh I’m sorry that going out and partying isn’t the first thing I have on my to do list. It’s not like I have stuff to do or anything like that” I shot back

“No you don’t that’s the point!”

“I do to” I said getting a little defensive

“Oh really like what? Curling up in bed and crying?”

“Doesn’t matter what I have to do I’m busy”

“Kayli come on” she pleaded softening her voice “Its almost been a month since you and David broke up”

“Don’t say his name!“ I hissed

“Fine! It’s been almost a month since you and the douche broke up. Don’t you think it’s time you move on? He has already. Maybe a lot faster than expected but you got to do the same.”

“I’ve moved on”

“Then why are you still depressed”

“I am not depressed”

“Then why are you still dressing like that”

“I look perfectly fine” I retorted

“Oh wait I’m sorry” she said dramatically holding up her finger then pretended to take  a call, “the bride of Frankenstein called, she wants her hair back”

“Not funny Abby”

“Seriously Kayli you literally woke up like this” she said gesturing to my face and outfit”

“I’ll take that as a compliment”

“If I were you I wouldn’t. Seriously you look like you’ve been robbed and the only clothes you have left are your gym clothes. Meanwhile Mrs.Igotyourman is over there looking like she fell out of a magazine, you gotta step up your game”

“I don’t want to step up my game. Has it occurred to you that maybe I like dressing like this”

“Well obviously you like it because you’ve worn that shirt every day for the past week and that’s what worries me.”

“So what? who cares. It’s not like I have anyone to dress up for or impress” I mumbled

“Dress up for yourself!”

“That’s what I’m doing right now but obviously I’m doing it wrong.” I mumbled

“then dress up for me…… your best friend”

“I do dress up for you, I dress up for you every day. If I wasn’t dressing up I’d be naked“ she rolled her eyes at my comment

“Look at least try to look decent tonight and comb your hair tonight for God’s sake. Your hair looks like you’ve been fighting with a raccoon and the raccoon won.” I threw my fry at her offensive yet funny comment “hey! It’s the truth”

“Whatever, and I haven’t changed my mind about the party. I’m not going”

“Yes you are as a matter of fact I’ll be over at 6 to dress you, I don’t trust you to dress yourself”

“I’m not going”

“Yes you are if it even means that Andrew and I are gonna drag you to that party”

“Andrew?” I asked confused “how does he fit in to this?”

“We’ve been talking about you and we all agree that this party will be good for you”

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