Chapter 5

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Once everybody had gathered in front of the Forest of Death (my forest) Anko started to speak again. "Okay brats-"

"Okay bitch." I interrupted with a smirk.

"...Shut up. As I was saying, your task is to get to the center of the forest. You will have five days-"

Once again Anko was interrupted. "Pfft! That's so easy!" Menma bragged arrogantly. A knife slid across his cheek and blood beaded up immediately.

Anko was glaring at him furiously as she retracted her arm. "This second task is designed to do serious harm to the contestants. You will have to get a scroll. You will either have a heaven scroll or an earth scroll and your task is to get the other scroll from the other teams. The catch is that no one knows what scroll the other teams will have. You will need to sign a waver." Anko said menacingly.

A random genin raised their hand. "Why would we need a waver?"

"So that Konoha is not responsible for any and all deaths and or injuries caused by the second task." Anko smirked evilly. I mentally applaud her. She has majority of the genin scared and shaking in their sandals.

"Deaths?" A shaky voice whispered. I look over and see that it was a blond Konoha genin. Ino I think.

"Absolutely. This forest is filled with man eating animals, poisonous plants, man eating plants, larger than normal animals, and of course, the other teams that are trying to steal your scroll." Anko grinned maliciously again. "Hence why we need you to sign the waver. Anyone who doesn't sign, they and their team are forfeiting the Chuunin Exams."

I look over to my brown haired partner. "You ready to win this thing?"

"I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS HASHIRAMA!" Madara yelled from across the group of genin.

Hashirama turned and pointed at him. "I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" He shouted back before turning to me, noticing my hand on my face from when I face palmed. "Yeah. I am ready. Are you?"

I just wave a dismissive hand. "They got nothing on me." I went and collected the Heaven scroll. When I came back, I noticed the Sasuke was attempting to hold back Madara from killing Hashirama who was wearing a smirk. "What did you do this time?" I sighed. They ignored me and continued fighting. After a minute of being ignored I let loose my chakra. "ENOUGH!" I shouted.

They stopped immediately. "Sorry Naruto." They said, shame coloring their voice.

Except for Madara... That arrogant asshole. "I leave for a minute and then I come back and you are acting like children." I hiss, my teeth lengthening as Kurama stirred inside of me and stretched. "You three are the best team in Konoha and you are supposed to act like it or you will be doing D-ranks for the rest of your miserable lives. If I catch you fighting before the exam even starts again I will hunt you all down solo." I growled. "Am I clear?"

Madara bowed to me, stepping away from Hashirama and Sasuke gave a sigh of relief. Hashirama however was still smiling. "Did... That just happen?" Kiba asked in disbelief.

"Yes. That just happened." I snapped, already irritated with them.

"Before anyone gets slaughtered and the exam is not even started, the Second Chuunin Exam is a go!" Anko announced, eyeing me wearily.

I grabbed Hashirama by the ear and dragged him into the forest. "I expected better from the First Hokage. Madara I can almost accept because he tried to destroy the village years ago but you?" I yanked on his ear and he yelped. "What would Tobirama think?" I scolded.

My chakra chains shot out and stabbed through a tree forcing Madara and Sasuke to jump out. "HEY! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" Sasuke yelled.

My skin turned a faint red as Kurama's chakra boiled below my skin. I growled at him. "Uh oh." Hashirama murmured.

A voice was heard through the trees. "This is our chance to put the demon down! Then Sasuke and Madara will finally notice us!"

"Oh shit." Madara muttered as five tails of chakra burst from my skin, my chains still hovering around me. I have no idea why I was so riled up but I am unbelievably angry and I can't stop.

Hashirama, thinking quickly, used his wood style to quickly pin Naruto. "Stop Naruto!" Hashirama pleaded with his thirteen year old friend. Madara pulled out his war fan and scythe pushing Sasuke behind him just as Mito, Menma, and Sakura stumbled out of the trees with Kabuto in tow.

Menma laughed when he seen the pinned down Naruto with five tails and chakra chains pinned to his sides growling. "You can't even control that much chakra! How pathetic that is. Mom and Dad should have killed you instead of simply disowning you when you were younger. The Uchihas are probably planning on killing you as well actually. That could be why they gained your trust." The Minato look a like mused coming to stand in front of the enraged child.

Pure chakra burst from Naruto's body causing an explosion that shook the entire forest as three more tails appeared and Naruto started ripping his way out of the wooden cage with a snarl. A chakra paw extended and slammed the ground Hashirama was at moments before, creating a large crater in the ground. Madara and Sasuke activated their Sharingan in an attempt to subdue the raging beast that was Naruto, forgetting that Naruto himself had the Mirror Wheel as well. His chains exploded outwards trying to stab anything they can reach, demolishing the trees around him as he grew in size as he let out a loud roar of fury.

A couple of gates over, Gaara jerked his head in the direction of his brother. In a swirl of sand, he disappeared.

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