Chapter 7

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The highly protective group quickly patched the wounded boy up before laying him in a hole at the base of a nearby tree and guarding the entrance. It was about one in the afternoon since the Battle of the Titans and the Exam started at eleven.

Madara crouched down next to Naruto and refused to move. Sasuke was up in the tree keeping a look out and Hashirama used his wood style to hide in a nearby tree to surprise anyone who dared to get close.

Naruto in the other hand was cussing up a storm in his mind. Standing in the conjuration of his mindscape in front of the nine tailed fox who was flicking his ears angrily.

"Calm down kit." Kurama flicked his ear again.

"I have been avoiding those seals for days! How did I not sense that one?" Naruto shouted. "Am I that mother fucking weak that I couldn't avoid an asshole's seal designed to make me go fucking berserk?"

Kurama softened his gaze as he took in the thirteen year old. "You are not weak. It was just the way the seal was designed. It specifically targeted you and me."

"That and this time the signal was so faint that I wasn't able to sense it very well." Naruto winced. "My body is in a lot of pain."

"You took a beating. You were Winning but without thinking clearly you got a lot more injuries. Shukaku was quite torn up. I do have some good news." Kurama stirred, laying down with his head on his paws.


"You killed that stupid pink girl during your rage."

"Sweet!" Naruto fist pumped the air.

"Aaaaand I also have some bad news."


"You will not be waking up until tomorrow morning so your body can rest." Kurama said.

"That is fine. Dont need to be doing anymore damage than I already have." Naruto sighed. "At least I put the Uzumaki-Namikaze team out of the Exams by killing off Sakura, even if it was an accident." Naruto laid back down on the grass staring up at the imaginary sky he created.

A swirl of sand appeared next to him, and the glowing eyes of the one tailed Tanuki stared down at him. "You okay, pup?" Shukaku asked.

"I am fine." Naruto looked away, still gazing at the sky.

"Pup. Anyone knows that if someone says 'I am fine', they are lying. What is wrong?" Shukaku sat back on his haunches.

Naruto broke down when Kurama sat next to Shukaku and gave him a stern look. "It... It's just that I was abandoned at a young age by the people who were supposed to call me family and instead called me a demon. I finally find happiness in the Uchiha Clan and then it is all going back to shit hitting the fan because that useless family just won't leave me alone! On top of that, my boyfriend created a top secret organization by brainwashing a young helpless boy that is now trying to kill me and I walked into one of their traps after painstakingly avoiding them for the past year since they became active! Not only that, but I attacked my friends and family! I am to weak to stop anything." Naruto confessed, almost seeming like a broken record but everything just kept being thrown right back into his face.

Kurama understood that. "You might be thirteen but you still have a lot to live for. Don't let this ruin you."

Shukaku curled up next to Naruto, who promptly buried his face into his fur. "Think of that Uchiha and baby Uchiha. Senju and my own Jinchuriki. And the whole Mirror Wheel Clan. They have not left your side since the accident." Shukaku neglected to mention the fact that both Gaara and Author-chan threatened Kankuro and Temari to guard him as well.

"...." Naruto grumbled unintelligibley.

"What was that kit?" Kurama smirked teasingly.

"I said I know you dumb rabbit! I just can't help feeling overwhelmed. For all that I might act like a mature Anbu Commander with a slight childish side, I am still only thirteen. Sometimes it gets do be to much you know?"

"Kit, I have been feeling that for thousands of years, it is something everyone feels." Kurama said laying down on Naruto's other side.

"It just affects some more than others." Shukaku agreed.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence until Naruto woke up in the morning.

I am sorry I was so late. It has been a very busy month. I promise more updates but they will be shorter than normal.

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