Chapter 15

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Me, being the lazy author that I am, have decided that this book is taking to long. So therefore I am going to finish it within a little under ten chapters and hopefully not leave it as anticlimactic as The Uzukage. I am just absolutely terrible at endings. BUT! I hope you all will appreciate my efforts as I endeavor to finish another book.

It was now the final task of the Chuunin Exam and despite everything, Naruto realized that he is going to have to reveal his identity to save his chakra for the upcoming battle. So as soon as the Exams were about to begin, he flamed down to the center of the arena. "As all of you know, I am going to be the Proctor for the last task. But I have an announcement to make." Naruto, with his Kitsune mask on looked around at the spectators before... he chickened out. "Naruto Uzuchia will not be participating due to unstable chakra." Kitsune clapped his hands together before a piece of paper appeared in his hands. He scanned it. "Oh dear..." Kitsune said aloud accidentally. "The first battle will be Madara Uchiha and..." He took a deep, agonizing breath and closed his eyes. "Hashirama Senju." The two reincarnated Founders joined Kitsune in the center. "You two better behave or I will intervene. Got it?" He said quietly to the two.

Madara paled even more, if such a thing was possible and Hashirama was almost as white as Madara. "Yes Kitsune-sama!"

"Good." Kitsune nodded once. "Begin!" He jumped away to the Kage box and set a piercing glare at the assembled Kages. "Who's brilliant fucking idea was this?"

A shook his head and held up his hands. "I know better."

Yagura pointed at A. "What he said."

The blue eyes turned to Rasa. The Sand Kage shook his head as well. "I know what those two can do. I was against it."

That left two. A massive explosion of flames erupted behind Kitsune illuminating his eyes and making him look down right evil as he glared at Minato and Onoki. "Well?"

They pointed at each other. "It was his idea!"

Kitsune pinched the bridge of his masks nose and sighed. He turned around to get a faceful of fire. "MADARA! BEHAVE!" Kitsune shouted.

For a second, everything went quiet and everyone could see Madara with a sword through Hashirama and both looking over at the Anbu Commander who was already getting mildly irritated. Madara winced. "Sorry!" He pulled his sword out of Hashirama and saluted quickly as Hashirama fell to his knees.

"Kitsune-sama! Don't you think the battle is over?" People in the stadium shouted.

Kitsune scoffed. "No. It has only just begun."

Hashirama swept Madara's feet from under him and then the air was filled with dust again. This is going to go on for a while...

(Spongebob voice)

One hour later...

Kitsune stepped between the two ninja who had blades aimed at each other. "That's enough." Kitsune caught both wrsists and sent them flying past each other. "This is a draw."

"Not until he dies!" Madara growled. The Uchiha had crouched down and gotten out his favorite weapon, the weird fan thing.

"That was almost a century ago!" Hashirama shouted back. "My brother is dead!" The Senju cradled his arm, which was broken as he directed his chakra to heal it, trusting Naruto to take care of the angry Uchiha.

Madara lunged at him, angry that he was being ignored but a blonde blur intercepted his attack and a huge cloud of dust went up. Mangekyou eyes met Mangekyou eyes that were livid. "I said enough." Naruto hissed. The blonde was livid that his own boyfriend had disobeyed his direct order as a commanding officer and proceeded to try and attack a comrade. "Or do I have to restrain you?"

Madara vaguely thought that that sounded kind of kinky but he wisely kept his mouth shut. "No." Madara growled and backed away. He blinked once and the Mangekyou eyes went away and he stood at the other end of the arena.

Naruto waited for the dust to settle before a loud crack was heard and everyone froze. Naruto's eyes widened in panic. He knew what that crack was. Another crack was heard and he put his hands to his face just as his Anbu mask disintegrated.

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