Chapter 1: How you get the girl

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N o t e s: Hello there! I'm really excited about finally posting this. I'm not if it's the best first chapter that I could create but let me tell you it gets better and better so just wait and see. I really hope that you'll enjoy this first chapter and see you soon.

p.s: I want to thank to @lissa_blackbeak for helping me to edit this whole chapter and encourage me to do something that I really wanted to do for a while now.


"And that's how you lost the girl."

You said in more a sigh or a whisper than an actual response. You had been having a long monologue for a least an hour. It probably started when the fourth or fifth drink you ordered that night disappeared, and you found a middle-aged man sat next to you. 

It was clear that he was trying to shoot his shot, trying to approach you, but it wasn't hard to see that you were at least tipsy and that gave you a huge red flag, if his looks weren't enough. You weren't sure whether to expect if that man next to you was going to say something back, yet you hoped that he didn't. It might sound selfish, but the only thing you needed at that moment was to talk about your problems, express and rant about how hard your week had been.

It all started with your dad. You left him more than five years ago, when you started college, and even years later it was still hard for you to face the whole situation. He had never reproached you the fact that you rarely visited him and he had been there to support every single move you made in your professional and personal life. However, you still thought that everything wouldn't have been so hard if your mom was still alive.

Since her death, he rarely went out with his lifelong friends or try to meet someone new to get on with his life. He only had plans when your uncle Obi-Wan called, and it wasn't that often lately since he was going to get married to his girlfriend, or at least that was what he kept saying. But it had been a year since you heard that the last time.

Your routine consisted in calling your dad at least two days per week. The main reason was that you could tell that he was going to start talking to the tv to have a little conversation at this point, as every single old and lonely person does in this world. So that little gesture was the minimum. Or that was your way to justify yourself.

That week wasn't different, you called him back that Monday, and both of you ended up having a huge argument because you were trying to make him see that he had to do something more with his retired life than craft wooden statues. It didn't end up well and you hanged on the phone before any of you could say something hurtful.

After that, on Wednesday, your boss called to talk about the change of department you wanted probably since you finished in Quantico, two years ago. You worked in Organized Crime but you always wanted to work on Terrorism, so when you heard that there was a vacant position in that category you'd applied for it. But apparently, someone else was more capable for it than you, even though he was relatively new and not the best candidate for that job at all. You weren't the best agent in the whole building by any means but you were more skilled than him so the only reasonable answer was 'influences'.

And two days after that your friend with benefit or your ex-boyfriend —if you could call it like that— broke up with you. It wasn't something that you didn't see coming, you rarely wanted to see him if you knew that you weren't going to have sex, and even then... If you were honest with yourself, you weren't even sure why you were seeing him. Because yes, he was nice, gentle, a good listener, a perfect boyfriend for whoever you both knew, but somehow it wasn't enough. Or maybe just not your type at all.

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