Introduction and warnings

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First of all, thank you for reading my story and I really hope you can enjoy it as much as I did writing it!

Now I'd like to say a few things that might be commented on later and I want to make sure to let everything clear before that.

I want to start by saying that English IS NOT my first language. I try my best to don't have errors, describe everything as much as I can and don't repeat the same ideas and words every time. But if sometimes I write like a kid, is not something I wanted to. Trust me, I try to do my best.

You always can help me, commenting on the paragraph that has some mistakes or dming me to tell me something related to how I wrote something and it might sound better in a different way. However, I DO NOT ACCEPT people coming to me in a rude or superior tone. I wanted to write in English to challenge myself and also try to improve my language level. I also want to make clear something else. I have dyslexia and sometimes is hard for me to realize that something is wrong, so please be kind.

I had the concept of this story five years ago. I want to make sure that the idea wasn't originally to be based on Kylo Ren, not even Star Wars or an insert reader fanfic. The characters were completely different.

Kylo Ren might not be as "bad" and intense as he would be in other fanfics but, trust me, he's not an angel either, he's toxic at some moments. However, have into consideration that he might act more charming in several scenes and still being an asshole later. Every single thing that will happen on the fanfic will be important, even if it might look messy.

I would not classify this fanfic as a slow-burn, but it will take a few chapters until something spicy will start to happen. I will try to bring as much smut as I can but I need to take my time writing those parts for obvious reasons. But also let me tell you that I really like this whole story and I want to express and tell as much as I can,  like introducing the characters that will be important for the storyline.

Nevertheless, both Kylo and the reader are emotionally unavailable, especially at the beginning of the story. Ren is not someone that would talk about him that much and the reader distrust and overthink a lot so have that in mind while you're reading this whole thing. You can tag the fanfic as a slow-burn in feelings and emotions in general if you prefer.

Some characters won't have the same relation that they have on the Star Wars universe, yet I think that everything makes sense even if it won't look like that sometimes. PLEASE trust me.

I always try to be as inclusive as I can, that's why most of the time I say "people" or use "they/them" pronouns in the descriptions. However, the reader will assume these things and I'm sorry if it's not clear sometimes.

I decided to make the reader someone that would like both women and men and even if I try to don't use the term "bisexual/pansexual" I might do it at some point since I'm used to using "bisexual" in my daily life.

We support the LGBTQ+ community here.

There will be some parts where the reader talks about feminism, sexist actions, and misogyny but this will not be a fanfic that talks about it at all. This might be in warnings but I think it was as important as the rest of the other things.

I will try to update every two weeks, yet if I have enough written chapters it might change to be weekly. I'm in my senior year at university and I'm really busy with my internship and thesis, that's why I'd like to ask you for patience with this.

Finally, I'd like to say that I love interacting with the people who read the things I write (I used to write in Spanish and I'm still really proud of my almost 500k viewers on my oldest story here) so you will see details that are related to other fanfics, things that I like (music, movies, games...) but I think that It will be camouflaged and integrated into the story.


Please this is a short list of what you can find in False God. If you feel uncomfortable with these aspects, this story might not be for you.

— There will be some warnings at the beginning of the chapters but not about everything.

— This fanfiction is explicit in every single aspect of it.

— Use of alcohol and drugs. The reader won't take drugs but she will drink often (as a social drinker).

— Excessive speed concerning vehicles.

—  The reader is an FBI agent so please notice that it might appear scenes that talk about illegal things from drugs to human trafficking, discuss unethical actions; death, suicides, murders, rape and similar aspects.

— There will not be any sexual assault or rape events.

— There will be smut (also heavy) in a great part of the fanfic. The consent can be unclear at some moments and there will be a lack of safewords, limits and aftercare. I DON'T think is the way to practice sex and I really recommend you read about how important is to have these three things mentioned above in real life.

p.s: my dms are always open to talk about these aspects, especially if you're confused about something. I'm not a specialist but I've some experience.

— There won't be accurate BDSM and swingers practices (nonmonogamous sexual activities as a couple) on this fanfic as it was going to be at the original idea, but it can have some similarities to it. Everything will be tagged as kinks and games/play to don't have any confusion.

For example: attending to sex parties, group sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sadism, humiliation, punishments, submission and domination, consensual non-consent, DDLG/ageplaying (talk), somno (talk), slapping, choking, bondage, edgeplay, gunplay, knifeplay, waxplay, bloodplay, slave/master, degradation, begging, etc... There are a lot of words that I can put here and I haven't written that much yet but it can give you an idea of what can happen.

— Also: rough sex, hate-sex, dirty talk... things that are not that rough but important.

— The reader will take a submissive posture but she might dominate someone at some point.

— Concepts like possession and jealousy will appear eventually.

— Toxic behavior and toxic relationships in some parts of the story. I don't romanticize/normalize these things in real life and no one should. This is just fiction.

— This might be a spoiler but Kylo and the reader will talk about a few psychological things and the base and the ethic that these topics have in society. Some aspects can be triggering.

— There won't be any SD/SM/SB arrangement but it will be mentioned.

— The reader's mother is dead and Kylo parents are absent. Aspects like family will be complicated in general.

— I won't use y/n during conversations in the fanfic, but Kylo will use nicknames and pet names (sexual moments).

Again, have fun!! And even if I know my work is not the best one you'd read here, I want to make sure you're enjoying it.


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