Chapter 5: Call it what you want

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N o t e s: hihi!! I'm back with a new chapter and I can finally tell you that the story it's begging!! I won't say that much but I hope you can enjoy this new chapter even if it's a little bit confusing with all the details I tried to write (you can always let me know the errors I made to make it more clear).

Happy (delayed) may the 4th!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 VIEWS!!! I really appreciate it, even if I say it in each chapter lol.

p.s. I have pictures of all the clothes that y/n will be wearing in this chapter so let me know if you want me to put the links to visualize it a little bit better.


Your last conversation with Rey had been three days ago, back on Tuesday when she left you alone in your house.

She had been really busy since then. You weren't sure if it was for the party of because the number of things she had to have done by the end of the week before she started to work again.

The day had finally come. It was Friday and you could say that the idea of going back to Rey's parties had been in your head the whole time. You couldn't stop thinking about it, having a thousand questions and ideas echoing in your mind. The thing was that you weren't sure if it was excitement or anxiety. But you definitely were nervous, that was for sure.

It was almost time to go home and got ready for the night, knowing that there in your kitchen island, would be bags or boxes with the clothing you'd had to wear. At least that was what Rey had texted you back in the morning.

"Everything will be ready and waiting for you when you arrive home. 8 p.m. Don't be late."

That was all she had texted you.

You haven't heard anything about the dress code at all, you guessed that she had left an invitation with all the information you needed to know. However, it was hard to tell knowing how secretly she was being since she decided that you would go to one of her parties for the first time in two years.

Those two words were on your head even if you didn't want to. It was like a permanent mark that could say how lost you would be there. Two years were the words that were marked by your dress code. Two years.

Since Rey and you started to organize the parties you have never been an observer, you always tried to be active there, even if you just stayed with the same person the whole night in a room. But that night was going to be different and you weren't sure if it was for the better or for the worse.

You also didn't blame yourself to think about what would happen that night. Your days at work had been boring, there was nothing you could investigate except the club information that Rey told you, but you haven't done anything about it yet.

The reason why was that you weren't sure if it was even important information to take into consideration. Maybe it was important to increase their list of crimes, perhaps for an offense of money-laundering but nothing else. So you ended up keeping that information to yourself until you could confirm some of your suspects and make sure that it was something to inform.

However, another part of you was willing to ask your boss about it. He could know something, something that he forgot to tell you at the meeting. But again, it could be just a waste of time for the three of you.

You were packing up your desk, trying to have everything in its place before you had to go. You weren't an organized person at all, but in your workplace, it was important to look like one. So since you started to work in the building you decided to make sure that your desk was going to look tidy and perfect. Just to pretend, like most of the things you were doing there.

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