Chapter 6: Ready for it?

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N o t e s: heyy!! Tbh I don't have too much to say today. First of all, don't kill me and secondly, anything in this story is a mere coincidence, everything happens for a reason so even the smallest thing can be a little clue of what will happen in the future.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 250 views!!! Hopefully, we will reach 300 soon but thank you, again. I really appreciate it because I'm not that sure of this story and how I'm wringing it.

p.s: sorry for the grammar mistakes that I had done so far lol. AND I'm starting my finals next week so I'm sorry if I can't post on time. However, I have a few more chapters ready so I think I'll be okay <3



You said his name easily. Like if finding him there was the most normal thing in the world. Maybe it was for Rey, you couldn't know, but it wasn't for you at all.

That place was probably the last one you would think you'd see him again.

Rey looked at you confused, she was probably trying to know how it was possible that you had already met Kylo there or somewhere else. She also looked at him, waiting until any of you would say something else, something that would explain the situation. But neither of you did.

Whichever of the explanations that Kylo or you would have given was going to look pointless. Even if Rey already knew everything, it was obvious that she wasn't thinking that the man in front of you was the same one that you talked about a few days ago.

You were sure that it had passed a few seconds since you talked, but it felt like ages. Then he finally spoke.


He said your last name. Again, like that evening in his bar, it sounded sexual and relaxed. You probably were the only one who would be labeled the way he said your name as sexual, but it really sounded like that. And yet, it sounded like if he had been saying your full name for years now and it didn't cause too much effort to do it. However, you knew that he had only known your name for a few days and he probably hadn't said it since you disappear through his bar's door.

Rey looked even more confused after that. She wasn't the type of person who got speechless easily, as same as you. Still, at that moment both of you looked like words weren't enough to express what was happening there. You blamed yourself for acted that way but how you wouldn't? Kylo Ren, the man that had lived in your mind for a few weeks now, the man that you swore you would forget, was just a few feet from you.

"Oh no."

Your friend finally spoke, like if she just had realized something. She probably did.

She could name every person you had could be with since you decided that those parties weren't for you anymore, and Kylo wasn't any of them. Yet she knew one person who you hadn't told her his name yet.

Kylo stayed still, like you. Looking at each other eyes, like if any of you were wearing any maks at all. He probably could see your expressions easily, everyone could see through your mask easily. However his mask was all opaque, you only could see his eyes, and it was hard to do that too thanks to the dim light.

"He's the asshole."

Rey was having her own conversation, all by herself. Like the time had stopped for a second for the man in front of you and yourself. You thought for a second that maybe he was as shocked as you to find you there but you could tell that he wasn't the type of guy who gets surprised about something. Perhaps he ready had thought about all de possibilities, included see you there.

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