Chapter 7: Look what you made me do

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N o t e s: helloooo, I'm finally back!! first of all, I'm sorry for the late update but I had been super busy with my last project but now I can finally say that I finished my degree!! AND that means that I'll be able to write way more than I used to so it was a win-win I guess!

THE SMUT IS FINALLY HERE SO DON'T KILL ME but I bet that even then, you will lol!! Thank you so much for 280 views and I hope you're enjoying it <3

TW: lack of safewords and aftercare, also the consent in this chapter is NOT clear.


Those three words were repeating on your head over and over, as a song that had got stuck on your head and you can't get rid of it. Because even if you weren't sure of what was happening or what Kylo meant with "be ready", or if you weren't ready for anything, you just wanted to hear him said those words again. It was all you were asking for even if they were haunting you. Intoxicating you.

But that really wasn't even an option, no matter how much you wanted to say or do something, not even to say that you were ready, it was impossible. It was like if you couldn't talk at all and being incapable of doing anything else that follow what you were told to. Whatever it was. You wondered if you would ever have that feeling with someone else or it was something that only that man behind you was capable to do.

Ren's hands weren't on you anymore but he was close. You could tell it for the slight touch of his cape on the bared skin of your legs, for the heat that his body was giving off. That was probably one of the reasons why you were acting like that. His body was up to its old tricks and making you clueless, small, and incapable of thinking anything.

You were so confused, you weren't understanding anything. But the fact that you weren't incapable to understand it was why you were agreeing to do what Kylo Ren was telling you. Perhaps letting him do whatever he had planned could give you some answers. But even if that was the case, the power that he was having over you, since the beginning, was the main reason why you were agreeing.

It was like if he was unconsciously telling you when you had to act up and when you had to behave. Like if he didn't have to use words, as if a force over you, that he had the last decision of it, could make you be one form or other.

"I- I don't know what I should do now..."

You sounded like a lost little girl and even if you hated it, you probably were.

Kylo pulled all your hair to the opposite side that he was. He also put your hair behind your ear to help it to stay in place, and even if that little gesture would look sweet and gentle in other circumstances, it wasn't. It felt like Ren was preparing his prey to be haunted, and you were letting him do it. Knowing that you were the only thing he could prey on there.

You were conscious that the whole situation could be understandable in different ways. For someone, who wouldn't know about your little discussion, would think you're showing affection to each other –knowing where you were–. Others, whoever would say that you're in a situation of fear and even manipulation, but you weren't. If someone would come to you and ask you if you needed help you'd begged to stay there next to Kylo Ren.

That was the truth. No mattered how confused you were, how fool Kylo was making you feel, or what was about to happen at that moment. You were enjoying it.

"Don't focus on me, don't talk. Just look what they're doing."

He repeated his actions. He got closer to your ear, even closer than before, you were even feeling the movement of his lips on the top of your ear, the breath coming to form his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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