Chapter 4: I think he knows

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N o t e s: Hello there!! I'm back with a new chapter. To be honest with you this chapter is super chill and kinda chaotic but quite important to know about Rey and the parties that are going to appear soon. The story itself actually begins here so don't ignore it!!

Thank you so much for almost 150 views!! the fact that you're reading my fic means a lot to me and I hope you can enjoy the story even more in the next chapters.


"Rey, where did you put the serving spoon?" 

You screamed from the kitchen, trying to look for the tools you needed to serve the food you ordered thirty minutes ago.

"Right there!" She screamed back from one of the bedrooms of your house, leaving her stuff there before start eating.

Your best friend Rey had come to your house to hang out a little bit together. It was Monday but you haven't seen her for a few weeks since she was out of the country for almost the past whole month.

You've been best friends since you were kids. You even went to the same university together and you could tell that the only time you had been apart more than necessary was when you had to go to Quantico.

She knew you like the palm of her hand, you couldn't lie to her even if you wanted, and she couldn't either. Both of you were really honest with each other and that was what had made you stay together for that long.

It probably started when you were little. She had been an orphan all her life, you could still remember the way she spoke about the different foster care houses she had been getting into and out of. When you met her for the first time, she just came back from the "house of the clowns" like both of you used to call it. Rey and you named it like that because, from what she told you, everyone was making jokes the whole time, laughing and not really caring about her unless he had to do housework. You never really understood what was actually happening in that house. Not even then when you were old enough to understand it.

She didn't know why they made her go back to the orphanage or if social services had something to do with all of that. Of course, that wasn't something you used to think about when you were kids but both of you thought about it a lot when you were at college. Especially when some of your psychology subjects had something to do with kids.

Those experiences made her unable to trust others easily. Both of you decided to make the promise that you would never lie to each other to build trust between you. And even if that were kid talks, you still thought that it was the best decision you have ever made.

A year after that, a pretty wealthy family adopted her. She moved a little after and both of you thought that it was the end. She didn't move that far, but when as kids even a mile away could mean the world. However, months later she came back to the same school as you both were attending when you first met. Apparently, she made some kind of deal with her adoptive parents so she could be with you.

From that moment, her life just got better and better. She had everything she asked for and at the same time, she didn't let it go to her head, like if she couldn't forget where she came from. Her adoptive parents offered her to study abroad several times and do things that you could only imagine, and even if she could have chosen to move to a fancy place and live her life, she was wherever you decided to go.

Since you haven't talked for a while and your past weeks have been more than unusual, you thought that the best way to talk about it was having dinner together at your place, and that was exactly what you were going to do.

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